2024-06-10 Town of Tillsonburg Parks and Recreation Master …

are developed for housing, they should be provided with adequate parkland or trail systems, meaning: 1. Aim for sufficient parkland to meet the existing park provision ratio of 4.3:1,000 people 2. Parkland provided by developers should be large enough to provide the environmental, recreational and social benefits that are expected to be provided by a park: that is, large enough for tree plantings, gardens, play and/or picnic areas etc. Leftover landscaped spaces such as awkward slivers of land, boulevard mediums, round-a-bout centres, or traffic island gateway features should not qualify as park space as part of parkland dedication from developers. 3. Parkland should be located with consideration of the access map (Figure 4-2), to provide parks or trails to those in areas who are not currently within 800 metres of an existing park. 4. New parks must also abide by the County of Oxford’s Official Plan Policies for Tillsonburg, section Development Standards for Parks and section Parkland Acquisition, as well as the Town’s Parklands and Streetscaping Development Guidelines and Design Criteria.

Referring again to the overlay map in Figure 4-2, there are a number of areas that fall outside of any 400 or 800 metre radius and are not expected to see development in the future. To better serve these areas, the parks provided in the new developments should include a Community Park (one in each area) from parkland dedication. A Community Park would serve the local residents as well as those outside the 800 metre radius that do not have local access to parks. Given the overall size of the consolidated areas to be developed, each can likely accommodate a Community Park, plus one or two Neighbourhood Parks. Recommendations:

PCT 7. Adopt the updated parkland classification system. PCT 8. Leftover landscaped spaces

such as awkward slivers of land, boulevard mediums, round-a-

bout centres, or traffic island gateway features should not qualify as park space as part of parkland dedication from developers. PCT 9. New parkland should be located with consideration of the access

map (Figure 4-2), to provide parks or trails to those in areas who are not currently within 800 metres of an existing park.

PCT 10. Parkland from new

developments should include at minimum a Community Park in each area.


Town of Tillsonburg | DRAFT Parks and Recreation Master Plan

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