PPA | 229 Clevedon Road



▪ A location in a built-up part of the village and the potential for redevelopment of the site to be considered as “appropriate” development under NPPF Paragraph 145(g). Please note however that there are limitations on the siting/scale of the development – see Section 3. ▪ The absence of a five year housing land supply in North Somerset, which renders the current Development Plan (i.e. the housing and distribution policies) out-of- date and triggers a presumption in favour of approval where there are no adverse impacts that significantly or demonstrably outweigh the benefits or specific policies indicate that development should be restricted. ▪ The ability to increase the size of the original property by up to 50%, provided it can be demonstrated there is no greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt (and subject to a well-conceived design and no harm to neighbouring properties). ▪ The ability to replace the existing property with a larger dwelling, with an increase by up to 50% of the original property and provided there is no greater impact on Green Belt openness. ▪ The absence of any listed buildings in close proximity site (the closest is no. 230 Clevedon Road, which is approximately 100m to the south); designated conservation areas; or protected trees. ▪ A location outside any protected or sensitive landscapes (such as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty or SSSI); within a low risk coal-mining area; and in Flood Zone 1 (Low Risk). ▪ The proximity of the site to bus stops, which provide reasonable services to the towns of Clevedon and Nailsea. This means that any new housing on the site could not be considered to be car dependent as a result of the site being site unsustainable in accessibility terms. The presence of and proximity to a primary school is also a benefit, and there is a light controlled pedestrian crossing, which would make walking to the school safe and appealing.

▪ The diversity of house styles, with wide variety in architectural appearance and form, and a combination of bungalows, chalet bungalows, and two-storey

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