Getting to the Bottom of Back Pain
There are a lot of different reasons as to why you may be experiencing back pain, and ignoring any of them is not a good idea. Some of the most common issues that cause back pain to linger include: • Muscle sprain or strain • Slipped vertebrae or disc • Tear or hyperextension to the supporting muscles or tendons • Arthritis These concerns can develop as a result of a myriad of environmental issues, such as having poor posture, prolonged sedentary activity, car crash, sporting accident, stress, heavy lifting, and so on. When it comes to back pain, Don’t Wait! When you experience an injury to your back, or realize that you are experiencing regular pain as a result of an ongoing injury or overuse, it is important to find out the cause of your back pain as quickly as possible. Back pain can quickly become chronic, as a potentially small issue can become complicated when it is not addressed early on. Working with a physical therapist can help you to identify the difference between environmental causes and something more medically based.
To get started with putting an end to your back pain, contact us today at 732-390-8100.
• Back Pain & Sciatica • Neck Pain & Headaches • Shoulder Pain • Hip and Knee Pain • Elbow,Wrist&HandPain What We Treat
• Foot and Ankle Pain • Motor Vehicles Injury • Balance&Gait Disorders • Arthritis • Chronic Pain
• Running Injuries • Ergonomics
• Sports Injury • Vestibular Disorder • Work Injury
• Pre-Surgical Rehab • Post-Surgical Rehab • Neurological Disorders
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