When you’re craving takeout but want to keep your dinner healthy and refreshing, reach for this comforting, flavorful recipe instead of the phone.
3 tbsp pure sesame oil
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4 medium zucchini
Salt, to taste 3 medjool dates, pitted
3/4 tsp fresh ginger, grated 2 cloves garlic, chopped
and softened in warm water for 5 minutes 3 1/2 tbsp creamy, unsweetened almond butter
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar 3 scallions, thinly sliced 1/4 cup chopped almonds
Throwing out unused pharmaceuticals is a common practice, but not taking the time to dispose of medication properly can have large-scale implications for the environment. In a 2018 article published by Great Lakes Now, Dr. Xiaozhen Mou, associate professor in biological sciences at Kent State, states that pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) have reached dangerous levels in wildlife. Scientists found a frog that was transitioning frommale to female after being exposed to unsafe levels of atrazine, a weed killer that had contaminated the frog’s water. Other researchers across theWest Coast also found mussels that were afflicted by several prescription drugs, including antidepressants and heart medications. Antidepressants can be absorbed through a process called bioaccumulation, and, according to Dr. Mou, are frequently found in species that feed by filtration, like mussels. However, antidepressants are also being found increasingly in animals further up the food chain, like small fish. United States Geological Survey studies show that approximately 80% of streams they sampled in the U.S. contain at least low levels of a range of chemicals. There are not presently any regulations for PPCPs, which is concerning because long- term exposure to PPCPs has not been studied. The good news is that there are filtration options to keep your family’s water supply safe from PPCPs and other contaminants. Watercure USA conducts free water quality testing and offers a broad range
3 tbsp coconut aminos
1. If you have a spiralizer, use it to cut zucchini into noodles. Otherwise, use a peeler. Salt zucchini. Allow zucchini to “sweat” out water for 1 hour, wrap in a paper towel, and squeeze the water out. 2. In a food processor, blend dates with almond butter and aminos until smooth. 3. Add sesame oil, ginger, garlic, and vinegar and pulse until sauce is smooth. 4. In a pan, sauté zucchini noodles until heated and slightly softened. 5. Toss zucchini noodles with prepared sauce and top with scallions and almonds.
of filtration solutions, like our well water treatment option, which addresses the unappealing taste, limescale buildup, and decolorization issues that most well water users face. We also offer treatment for Buffalo’s city water supply, which may pick up contamination while traveling through lead or copper pipes and is treated with chlorine, fluoride, and other chemicals even if it is not contaminated. Watercure USA offers free on-site testing to identify the best possible filtration solution for you.
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