Leisure DB State of the UK Swimming Industry Report 2023




My vision is of a country where everyone can swim. Group swimming classes are of course key to this vision: I have no desire to criticise the NGBs or pool operators in this respect. Teaching the masses must be the priority, catering for all the children who need to learn this vital life skill. However, particularly at a time when operators are struggling to keep pools open in the face of rising costs, we should recognise the value of also offering private lessons for those who wish to pay for them. Most gym operators already offer personal training for those seeking personalised, specialist fitness support from an upskilled coach. It’s a great revenue driver for the gym and it meets a clear consumer need. Private swimming lessons are exactly the same. What we deliver is PT in the pool, and our experience proves beyond doubt that the demand is there: Swimming Nature has been going for 30 years, with 150 highly skilled instructors running fully-booked courses that serve 5,000 students a week. We’ve even taken over struggling pools – we now have three Swimming Nature pools in the UK – and have turned them into success stories based around private lessons, predominantly for children but also for adults, as well as classes for babies. It doesn’t need to be at the expense of group swimming classes or other pool- based activities, either. Depending on an operator’s pool length, we can have three instructors in one lane, each teaching two children. Classes last for 30 minutes, so that’s 12 children an hour using just one lane. I don’t want to turn this into a pitch for Swimming Nature, so suffice to say there are different models available, from us running the whole thing to operators licensing our brand, programmes, training and systems. We also offer CPD in collaboration with the Swimming Teachers Association (STA) and are developing a new qualification and training body so instructors across the country can upskill; if we want to achieve our vision, we have to put the framework in place to scale. As that happens, it’s going to be critically important that recognised standards, safeguarding and regulations are put in place, and this is something we’re pushing for now. In conclusion, the market for private swimming classes is categorically there. This is a product customers want – and the customer is always right. We should be looking at how best to deliver it, with new standards to ensure it’s delivered consistently well. It’s also a creative way to maximise pool revenues, serve the community and ultimately keep pools open. Now more than ever, operators must capitalise on every opportunity to make pools sustainable.

Now more than ever, operators must capitalise on every opportunity to make pools sustainable. EDUARDO FERRÉ Founder and Director, Swimming Nature



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