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714-533-9210 www.surfcitylawyers.com MARCH 2019
THE RECESSION IS COMING How Can You Best Be Prepared?
While the country’s economic future isn’t necessarily a topic that the vast majority of Americans mull over at their kitchen tables, it’s one that needs attention. Those who are paying attention to relevant markers know that another recession is inevitable, and in fact, it’s already started. For example, in the manufacturing sector, the first round of layoffs has already begun. Perhaps more than any other event, layoffs are a clear signal of upcoming societal financial hardship. My intention here isn’t for you to interpret this article as some kind of fear-mongering diatribe on upcoming economic stagnation. Rather, I want to be 100 percent transparent about your options because, while there is no halting the recession, you are perfectly capable of navigating it — you just need the right preparations. While doomsday preppers have a reputation for being overly frightened conspiracy theorists, their ability to plan is unmatched. Just as you would stock your underground bunker with water and nonperishable items when preparing for the end of the world, you need to bulk up your savings to prepare for temporary economic decline. Pull back on spending and concentrate on the basic necessities like food, clothing, and shelter. If you can afford your needs, then start saving, saving, saving. In addition to streamlining your budget, the best way to combat the recession is to eliminate all the debt you possibly can. If you calculate your cash flow and determine that it’s going to take you over five years to pay off your loans, you should seriously consider bankruptcy as an option. Take a look at the payment comparison chart provided. If you have $30,000 in debt and you are making $500 monthly payments at 15 percent interest, it will take you 9.3 years to fully pay it off. That’s almost an entire decade of your life spent struggling to make ends meet due to debt. The chart also delineates your repayment plan if you were to file Chapter 13 or Chapter 7 bankruptcy, decisions that would either cut your years of repayment nearly in half (with no interest
added) or reduce your debt to nothing. I’ll say it again: If it’s going to take you longer than five years to eliminate your debt, you need to take a long, hard look at alternatives — especially with a recession on the horizon. A frequent initial fear I hear from clients whose debts I’ve settled is that they worry that filing bankruptcy will lower their credit score so drastically that they won’t be able to apply for a mortgage or car loan. From my experience helping clients — and even from own personal experience filing bankruptcy (yes, I’m a product of my own services) — the moment you get your discharge, creditors will immediately start soliciting you for loans. Another reason clients are nervous to explore this option is because there is a stigma attached to the word “bankruptcy.” Given the societal beliefs that money equates to success and admitting shortcomings equates to weakness of character, people shy away from even discussing bankruptcy as an option. They view bankruptcy as the ultimate failure, succumbing to the misconception that it permanently destroys bank accounts, halts momentum, and is symptomatic of a poor work ethic. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, few people know that bankruptcy is actually a constitutional right stemming from no source other than the Bible! Deuteronomy 15:1–2 states, “At the end of every seven years you must cancel debts. This is how it is to be done...” Prior to the last couple of centuries, bankruptcy was not just regarded as a legal human right; it was an expectation. To help get people out from under the cloud of financial stress and withstand the coming recession, we are dedicated to combating the stigma of bankruptcy and helping you live the life you deserve. Give us a call to set up a consultation.
–Christine Kingston
1 714-533-9210
know where you should focus your energy. To aid your efforts, here are four factors to consider for strategic business growth. 1. Leadership Similar to nature’s processes during springtime, business growth begins far below the surface through good leadership. Your employees’ perception of you and your company’s mission is what determines their motivation to work hard. Take a step back to evaluate your leadership tactics and determine if they match your ideal business model. Often, replacing poor leaders with stronger ones makes all the difference in a company’s success. 2. Employee Training Business growth doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Just as leadership from your management team should be a major focus, your employees need a standard but solid foundation of knowledge in order to cultivate their own growth in the company. This spring, consider revamping your training
programs by moving to online platforms that customize learning paths for each new employee based on previous employees’ feedback. 3. Customer Loyalty While it is important to increase brand awareness and expand your customer base, it is essential to also increase sales potential with your existing customers. Look for opportunities to grow your profits with the customers you already have through add-on sales, customer loyalty programs, and referral business. 4. Social Responsibility When you adopt policies of social responsibility, you affect your community — and therefore your customers — in a positive way. Take the month of March, for example, which is National Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Awareness Month. You can get your business involved in various organizations geared toward raising awareness. Through sponsoring events and donating money, you can increase your client base while simultaneously helping others.
Spring is here, and watching flowers sneak up through the soil in your front yard may remind you to consider growth of a different kind — the growth of your business. Regardless of whether you soared over your revenue goals the previous quarter or you took these last few months to recover from failed marketing efforts and missed opportunities, spring provides a great opportunity for overall growth. Still, it’s hard to
In Honor of National Women’s History Month THE RISE OF WOMEN
March marks National Women’s History Month, an observance that started in 1981 when Congress requested that then-President Ronald Reagan designate a set time to celebrate the great innovations cultivated by women. While the observance began as a week-long celebration, it eventually grew to span the entire month of March — a fitting decision, considering the phenomenal inventions created by women throughout the years. Past developments include Marie Curie’s discoveries of radioactivity, polonium, and radium, Ann Tsukamoto’s complex isolation of the stem cell for cancer research, and Shirley Jackson’s breakthrough explorations on subatomic particles for telecommunication, among millions of others. Just as the brilliant women of the past refused to let well-ingrained gender inequalities prevent them from laying the groundwork for the development of some of the world’s best technological creations, modern women have plowed through archaic expectations of what they should or should not do. Statistics in the educational and political spheres are staggering. Where men once went to college in proportions far higher than women — 58 percent to 42 percent as recently as the 1970s — the ratio has now almost
exactly reversed. As of 2017, women comprise more than 56 percent of students on campuses nationwide, according to the U.S. Department of Education. And the trend shows no sign of abating. Paralleling the rise of women in education is the rise of women in the political sphere. The 116th Congress, which convened in January this year, revealed that women now make up nearly a quarter of its voting membership. With a record high of 102 women in the House of Representatives and 25 in the Senate, this year’s elections marked the highest percentage of women in Congress in U.S. history. While modern women certainly have a leg up on the women of the past in regard to patriarchal pushback against their educational and political pursuits, they still face some roadblocks. In our own experience at Surf City Lawyers, we’ve found that knowing your legal rights gives you a huge head start on the path of your choice. Want our help? Give us a call.
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OneWay to Make Yourself Recession-Proof
We’ve already established that another recession is inevitable, but an infallible way to make yourself recession-proof is to get your student loan debt under control. If you feel like you’re drowning in monthly payments, you are not alone. With the national student loan tally measuring approximately $1.5 trillion in the U.S. — more than double what it was a decade ago — millions of young adults across the country are struggling to navigate the stress associated with their huge bills. But while student loan debt numbers have reached terrifying heights in recent years, Americans are only beginning to understand how this debt actually affects their lives. New research shows that student loan debt may be keeping people from
what some consider two major life milestones: getting married and buying a home.
At Surf City Lawyers, we can’t emphasize this enough: You don’t have to let this debt govern your life! Christine has now discharged over $1.3 million in student loans for struggling graduates. In a recent student bankruptcy case, she took the client’s bill of $250,000 and got it settled for $10,000 at 1 percent interest! Settled cases like this one have become the norm as Christine continues to make great headway in this particular arena. If you’re a former college student, you know the sweat, blood, and tears that went into working toward or receiving your degree. We don’t think you should be penalized for that hard work. Don’t let student loan debt keep you from living the life you dream of. Give us a call at 714-533-9210 for a case evaluation.
According to the National Longitudinal Study of Youth, 70 percent of Americans were married homeowners by their mid-30s in 1979. By the 21st century, the percentage of marital unions were sliced in half; however, the numbers had doubled for cohabitation before marriage. The findings are clear: The numbers of those who are living together before marriage are increasing while marriage rates are going down or are at least being delayed. In short, the insurmountable stress of student loans often encourages young couples to move in together for one simple reason: their need for lower rent costs.
EVERYTHING POPCORN Inspired by Food & Wine magazine
Everything is the best bagel flavor. This is not a matter of debate. Sprinkle the seasoning on popcorn for a delicious snack that will have people asking, “What does this remind me of?”
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3/4 cup popcorn kernels 2 tablespoons flaky sea salt 1 teaspoon black sesame seeds 2 teaspoons white sesame seeds
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2 teaspoons granulated garlic 2 teaspoons granulated onion
1/3 cup canola oil
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
1. In a small skillet over medium heat, toast sesame seeds. Shake skillet often and cook until white seeds are golden and fragrant, about 2 minutes. Transfer to a small bowl and add garlic, onion, and salt. 2. In a large saucepan, combine popcorn kernels and oil. Cook over medium-high heat, covered, until popcorn kernels start to pop. Once popping, continue cooking and shaking the pan intermittently until popping ceases, about 3–5 minutes. 3. Transfer popcorn to a large mixing bowl. Pour in butter and toss to coat. Finally, add seasoning, toss again, and serve. 3 714-533-9210
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The Truth About the Upcoming Recession and Bankruptcy
Reorganizing Your Efforts for Strategic Growth This Spring
The Rise of Women
Let Us Dig You out of Student Loan Debt
Everything Popcorn
3 Ways to Honor International Women’s Day
in your workplace an avenue to discuss issues, air grievances, and make suggestions. If you’re an employee, consider asking for such a forum. In either case, providing both public and anonymous avenues for women to express themselves is a great way for your company to take a step forward in fostering gender equality. Regardless of your gender, March 8 is the perfect time to tune in to the larger conversation surrounding gender inequality, if you haven’t already. This could mean attending meetings or demonstrations in your town, reading works that capture the female struggle for equality, such as Roxane Gay’s “Difficult Women,” or seeking out blogs and social media accounts from gender equality activists online. International Women’s Day is about appreciating the contributions of women to society and envisioning a more equal world for the future. However you decide to celebrate women this March, keep in mind that no matter who you are or where you come from, we all have the power to change our world for the better. JOIN THE CONVERSATION
From major innovators, like Ada Lovelace, the world’s first computer programmer, to megalithic literary icons, like Maya Angelou, women throughout history have shaped how we live our lives. Whether you’re inspired by famous historical figures or the women in your own life, take the time to talk about that influence. Which women helped get you where you are today? What female leaders do you look up to? What are some lessons you’ve learned from them? Many of the challenges women face globally happen in the workplace. If you think your company has room for improvement in its treatment of women, now is a great time to do something about it. Even if you believe your company treats women and men equally, there’s no harm in empowering your colleagues to talk to give their opinions. If you’re an employer, this could mean giving women MAKE ROOM FOR CONVERSATION IN THE WORKPLACE
On March 8, people around the world will honor International Women’s Day. Adopted by the United Nations in 1975, the holiday is meant to highlight the immeasurable accomplishments of women throughout history and draw attention to the ongoing struggle for global gender equality. International Women’s Day is celebrated differently around the world. Some nations, like Nepal, give all their citizens the day off. Most countries, however, including the United States, treat it as a normal day, at least officially. Even though we don’t have the day off, there are many ways for everyone to honor International Women’s Day this year. Here are a few of them.
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