Looking For A Custodian to Hold Property In Your IRA?
by Jenny Heiman, Senior Vice President of Operations at CNB Custody
R eal estate is a popular retire- ment investment among self-directed IRA investors. While purchasing real estate within an IRA has been around for many years, finding an IRA provider who is will - ing to service this type of invest - ment has been challenging. That is why it’s important to do your home- work, understand the regulations, and talk to an experienced provider who can walk you through every step of the way. ABOUT CNB CUSTODY With over 35 years of experience, CNB Custody has built a solid repu - tation for providing exceptional ser - vice, accuracy, and competitive fees. Located in the Heartland of America, we pride ourselves on delivering a level of customer care and dedi - cation unmatched in the industry. We are known for our expertise, responsiveness, and reliability. CNB
Custody works closely with advisors around the country providing innova - tive solutions, professional services, and education that empowers clients to control their investment options. While IRA custodians cannot give advice about specific investments or strategies, they can point out poten - tial legal issues and provide answers to your questions. If you are consid - ering diversifying your portfolio and adding real estate to your IRA or Roth IRA, be sure to do your research and find a reputable custodian to work with. While some custodians charge extra for “expedited service”, CNB Custody takes pride in provid - ing exceptional, expedited service each day with no extra charge. Our fees are not billed according to your account value, thus it can grow with - out seeing a substantial fee increase. In addition to holding real estate within your Traditional or Roth IRA, CNB Custody can also hold real estate investment trusts, limited
partnerships, LLCs, private stock, notes, etc. Please visit our website at www.cnbcustody.com, e-mail us at realestate@communitynationalbank. net or call us at 800-680-0340 for further information on our services. We look forward to working with you! DISCLAIMER: You are urged to seek professional guidance and/or consider proper diversification and risk tolerance before directing any investment activity. Community National Bank (CNB) does not recommend or evaluate the prudence, merit, viability, or suitability of any investment and will not be responsible for the performance of any investment product. CNB will provide custodial services with respect to the investments in your IRA, but we do not provide investment advice or information, nor are we the agent, partner, employee, representative, or affiliate of any financial representative, product sponsor, or other individual or entity except as otherwise disclosed. We are not responsible for and are not bound by any representations, warranties, statements, agreements, disclosures, advice, or information made by any such person beyond the terms and provisions contained in the CNB Custodial Agreement, Disclosure Statements, or other CNB forms or CNB documents.
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