
PC-3 We have read the entire contents of this contract, front and back, and acknowledge receipt of same. We are not relying on verbal statements not contained herein. We further certify that we have examined the property described herein and that we are thoroughly acquainted with its condition and accept it as such. Delivery of acceptance of this offer after signing by the parties is not necessary to create a binding contract.

Witness/Auctioneer/Broker: ___________________________________________ License # ___6505304016_______________________

Buyer’s X

Buyer’s Address

(Signature) Name Printed __________________________________________

Buyer’s X _____________________________________________ (Signature) Name Printed _________________________________________

Telephone: _________________

_______________ ________

(W) _________________



(Fax) _____________________________


Marital Status or Entity


**************************************************************************************************** The above proposition is hereby accepted this _________________ day of _____________________________, 2022 at __________AM / PM and SELLER acknowledges receipt of a copy of this contract.


Seller ___________________________________________

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