Saturday Schools We are committed to expanding aspirations through running Saturday schools at the College in Science and Art. In 2019-20, the schemes provided over 140 hours of free tuition to students from 18 local state primary schools. In partnership with the Southwark Community Education charity, we host the Science Scheme, supporting and mentoring 60 Year 6 pupils and through partnership with The Creative Dimension Trust we also offer pupils aged 9-12 the opportunity to participate in art workshops. The pandemic provided an opportunity for reflection and to undergo a redesign to maximise the educational impact and to reach more pupils, particularly those most in need. School-Centered Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) The College plays a leading role in the new national SCITT programme, acting as the London hub offering courses aimed at new graduates and career changers. In 2019-20, the College directly trained and supported 30 newly qualified teachers in Maths, Physics and Modern Foreign Languages, with 20 of them securing jobs in state schools. Staff Outreach College staff provide support in all areas of our educational partnerships, with 23 holding positions of governorship or trusteeship. 47 staff engaged with Community Action on a weekly (or fortnightly) basis. The Royal National Children's SpringBoard Foundation Dulwich College has worked with the UK's largest boarding school bursary charity since 2015, to provide life transforming opportunities for disadvantaged and vulnerable children through a boarding place at the College. Dulwich College International A community of 10 international schools, with over 9,000 students, taking the Dulwich name, ethos and best practice out into the wider world. We continue to forge a strong educational partnership across the commonwealth of schools.
We believe that mutual benefit comes from engaging in partnerships. Across the College pupils and staff voluntarily contribute their time and expertise to a wide range of community activities which are carried out under the umbrella of the College's whole- school strategic development plan. The College has a range of important partnerships which support raising aspirations across both the independent and maintained sectors through educational partnerships, Community Action and shared facilities. Educational Partnerships Dulwich College acts as an educational partner to City Heights E-ACT Academy, providing support for its educational work and developing links that mutually benefit pupils and staff at both schools. In 2019-20, 105 students from City Heights connected with Dulwich pupils or staff on a weekly basis. The partnership is strengthened through our joint membership of the Southwark Schools' Learning Partnership (SSLP). With the Master as its Co-Director, Dulwich College plays a leading role in this long-standing collaboration between 17 local schools to promote projects for students and joint career professional development for teaching staff. Thinking About A series of live webinar talks with Q&As for students in Years 11 to 13. It is a partnership between the SSLP and Dulwich College that initially ran in response to the coronavirus pandemic school closures. Guest speakers included Turner prize winner Jeremy Deller OA, physicist Dr Emma Springate and historian and writer Iain MacGregor. It proved so popular with participants coming from almost 60 different schools that it has been extended for the 2020-21 academic year.
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