Can You Hear Me Now 2022


Student Bullying?

Bullying against a student(s) i s the intentional action by an i ndi v i du al o r group of i nd i v i dual s to inflict physical, emotional or mental harm or sufferi ng on another i nd i v i d u al or group of i nd i v idu al s when there i s an imbalance of real or perceived power. Bul lyi ng behavior creates an objectively hostile or offensive environment. Such an environment may cause, o r be likely to cause, negative and harmful condi tions. Bullying is the intentional action to inflict physical, emotional or mental harm or sufferi ng on another when there i s an imbalance of real or perceived power. Student- to-Student Bul lyi ng mani fests i ts e l f i n various forms, such as: intentional actions, hu r tf u l name-calling, and physical attacks a l l of which occur i n our schools and our larger community. Furthermore, bullying impacts not only the targeted student, but the student who engaged i n the behavior, bystanders and the larger school community. 2

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