Nice to meet you.
Our products and serv ices br ing versat i le appl icat ions wi th endless poss ibi l i t ies .
Gr i f f in Gl ass & Meta l Werks , Inc . excel s in br inging your construct ion imaginat ion into rea l i ty . Workspace and of f ice des ign are elevated to new heights wi th our custom-des igned products . We welcome col l aborat ion and innovat ion to customi ze your proj ect . Our profess iona l s wi l l work wi th you to prov ide mater i a l and des ign solut ions or wi l l fol low your exi st ing archi tectura l concepts . Prov iding just the r ight ba l ance of gl ass and meta l components wi l l strengthen the aesthet ic des ign in your proj ect . Our products are not onl y durable and long- l ast ing, they of fer the best in v i sua l aesthet ics . We incorporate the elements of v i sua l aesthet ics including color , shape , pat tern, l ine , texture , v i sua l weight ,
We can turn your ideas into rea l i ty .
- Backpainted Markerboards - Digi ta l Pr int ing on Gl ass - Ornamenta l Archi tectura l Meta l s - Decorat i ve Meta l Panel s - Enhanced Laminated Gl ass - Tempered/Annea led Gl ass - Pat terned/Acid Etched Gl ass - Gl ass Cut t ing & Pol i shing - Accessory Packages - Gl ass Shower Doors wi th Di amon- Fus ionĀ© Coat ing Protect ion - Industr i a l Demountable Des ign Ser ies 212 - a Gr i f f in exclus i ve - Gl ass & Meta l Handrai l/Windscreen Contact one of our profess iona l s to di scuss your next proj ect . P: 312-256-8500 www. gri f f in-glassandmetal . com
ba l ance , sca le , proximi ty and movement for your part icul ar speci f icat ions .
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