King's Business - 1952-08

You just don’t live through that! His case will be put down in medical records as an unusual one. I believe prayer and your God intervened in behalf of this patient,” he added thoughtfully. We agreed, and thanked God for His wonder-working power in the heart and life of this man. A few weeks ago Mr. M. attended the Jewish meeting, held in the Church of the Open Door each Sunday afternoon at 4:00. There he gave joyful testimony to the Lord’s work in his heart and life and thanked us again for our ministry. May we commend this couple to your prayers? Mr. and Mrs. M. will need your prayer-backing as they seek to give their lives to Him who met them in their time of need.

eyes and we believed he had received God’s great plan of salvation then and there. How our hearts rejoiced! A week later, while still in the hos­ pital, Mr. M. had another severe attack and once more Mrs. M. called and asked us to accompany her to the hospital. There the Doctors were working des­ perately to revive him. I was privileged to go in and pray with him. I took his hand while he gasped for breath, with the oxygen mask upon him, and implored God to save his life for God’s glory. We kept vigil with his wife during the morn­ ing hours, until he was pronounced out of immediate danger. “We do not understand how he lived through this attack,” the doctor told us later. “ His heart beat was 200 a minute!

Testimony to Israel By Anne Hazelton

I N this column each month we hope to recount for our readers some details of the Lord’s working in and through the Jewish Department of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Daniel Rose, Director. We trust this will stimulate prayer for our missionaries and those they contact in personal witness. We cannot give names, but our Lord knows the individu­ als and will fit your prayers to their needs. This month, we will follow two of our missionaries in their ministry to a middle-aged couple living in the same apartment building where they make their home. Here is the missionaries’ account: Mr. and Mrs. M. had become a real burden upon our hearts. Our little son had won his way into their hearts and had been, in fact, the means of our first contact with them. We visited them often and as we gave testimony to the saving grace of our Lord and Saviour, our little boy also testified with telling effect. But always, when we came to the .heart of the gospel, Mr. M. would try to avoid the issue of salvation, refusing to believe. When illness sent him to the hospital and we were able to visit him, he still refused to listen to or accept the gospel. This couple was very active in the American Legion and Mrs. M. was soon to be installed as President of the Wom­ en’s Auxiliary. We had noticed her grow­ ing interest in the gospel upon each of our visits to her home, and when the time came for her installation, she asked that we be present and speak. The invi­ tation was accepted, with the provision that we be permitted to present our living God of the Bible through our Lord Jesus Christ. We felt it indeed a great privilege to be present that evening. And as we presented the Lord as Saviour to that group of members of the American Legion, we could sense a change in the atmosphere. Still, Mr. and Mrs. M. made no decision. Shortly after this, Mr. M. developed heart trouble and we were asked to pray for him. One evening, Mrs. M. called us. Her husband had had a heart attack and had been rushed to the hospital. Would we come? We arrived there about mid­ night and were permitted to enter his room. As I sought to bring some word of comfort to him, I took his hand and prayed that God would reveal Himself and make this one a child of His. As I prayed, I felt him grip my hand tightly and I believed it indicated his readiness now to listen to the gospel message. We were with him for an hour that night and continued to visit him during the follow­ ing days. On one of these visits, when he was in less pain than usual, I approached him again with an invitation to accept Jesus Christ as his Saviour. This time he was ready and made a full confession to God for his sinful condition, accepting Christ as his Saviour. Tears came to his

DR. LOUIS T. TALBOT'S Beautiful Colored 16mm. Sound Film "I SawPetra"

Fulfilled prophecies in Sidon, Tyre, Amman, Moab, and Petra All films available on a free-will offering basis. Send requests to Film Department Bible Institute o f Los Angeles We would like to show: I SAW PETRA I SAW BORNEO INDIA’ S SORROW 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California on............................................................-................. -................................ Your name .................................................................................................................... Your church ................................................................................. -..... - ....................... Address ........................................................................................................................... City, State ....................................................................................................................

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