King's Business - 1952-08

Attention Christians There is an urgent need for prayerful and financial help to build Evangelical Methodist Churches in the Columbia Basin, Washington State. W rite COLUMBIA BASIN MISSIONS BOX 1143 MOSES LAKE, WASHINGTON

Even Mike Understands Even the little children under­ stand the daily family devotions in THE CHRISTIAN PARENT. Many families have written us that these are the devotions they are looking for. Complete family and home training included. Subscribe TODAY. $2.50 a year. The Christian Education Co. Box KB Highland, Illinois

"JOHN DEWEY'S EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY has done more harm to A m e r ic a n y o u n g people than even John Bar­ leycorn,” says a public school teacher ofyearsof experience. Are you equipped to refute the fallacies o f this subtle atheistic influence? Read Dr. Buswell’s book ex­ posing Deweyism. Give copies to your friends, especially the teachers o f your children. Order direct from the author - T H E PHILOSOPHIES OF F. R. TENNANT and JOHN DEWEY, o v e r fiv e h u n d r e d pages, $6.00, postage prepaid if cash accompanies order. J. OLIVER BUSWELL, Jr. President Shelton fflolle

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