King's Business - 1952-08

CHEF WANTED Westmont College, located in Santa Barbara, California, desires a Chris­ tian couple or a single person to serve as chef in Dining Hall; must be ex­ perienced in cooking for large groups. Write, stating experience, age, ref­ erences, salary expected, etc., to Office of the Controller, Westmont College, 55 LaPaz Road, Santa Barbara, Cali­ fornia.

Can Prayer Meeting Be Popular? (Continued, from Page 11)

version known as the Vulgate. It was this hook that Gutenberg selected in 1452 to be the first printing from the movable type he had invented. Eightfold Better Living <£* According to a prediction by the Brookings Institution the United States may be able to support twice its present population on a standard of living eight times better than the current standard, in another 100 years. The Brookings Institution is an un­ official organization for research in the economic field and suggests that gov­ ernmental policies permitting, we would be spending for food and nutrition eight times as much; for shelter and mainte­ nance 16 times as much; for attire and personal care 20 times as much; for health and education 20 times as much; for recreation and travel 33 times as much, etc. What the predictors evidently do not know is that their estimate of eight­ fold better living conditions are far too conservative. Within this time many Bible students feel that the Lord Jesus will return. That the tribulation will take place and that Christ will set up His universal reign of peace, prosperity and plenty when men will beat their swords into plowshares and the desert will blossom as a rose. Better Educated ¿t According to an Associated Press story, Americans as a whole have better educations today than ever before in the nation’s history. Among the 87,000,- 000 Americans aged 25 or more, 7 out of 10 have finished elementary school, one out of three finished high school and one out of 16 is a college graduate. But with all this education, what are the young people doing? They have radios, cars, television, things our grandparents never dreamed of but they are lastly unhappy, dissatisfied and in many cases hopelessly frus­ trated. They don’t see any future for themselves and believe the country is going to the dogs. They count them­ selves to be a lost generation. They aimlessly talk about getting in trouble with the law. The whole thing melts down to this sobering fact that education in itself is not enough. The Scripture has long told us that the beginning of true wisdom and the foundation of genuine educa­ tion is a reverential faith in God. With­ out this the whole picture is empty and useless. New Version Coming A number of Protestant church groups are planning special observances to mark the publication next Septem­ ber of the Revised Standard Version of the Bible. It will be remembered that the Revised Standard New Testament was brought out in 1946 and this will be the mark of the completion of both Old and New Testaments.

Upon the conclusion of the study of the Bible as a whole, it seemed logical and necessary that detailed considera­ tion should be given to the book of Revelation. Accordingly, several months were spent in studying this challenging book, using a 57-foot chart to illuminate the events. Prepared at the direction of an authority on prophetic subjects, Dr. Louis T. Talbot, former pastor, the chart cost $500.00. It was purchased for Dr. McGee’s use through the generosity of “ two lovely ladies,” as the pastor designates them, who found their lives enriched through the Wednesday night studies. “We have seen demonstrated once more,” Dr. McGee affirms, that the reading of the Word of God—and the applying of it in the individual life— is the basis of all true revival. Truly God has revived our hearts ‘in the midst of the years’ and we look to Him for yet greater things as we continue in this Bible-centered ministry.” Dr. McGee’s FALL SERIES of Wednesday evening Bible Studies will begin August 20, 1952. One of the Great Doctrines of the Scriptures will be con­ sidered each service. The messages will be simple, plain, short, Biblical, practi­ cal and satisfying. I f You Move Please notify us immediately on Form 22-B (which you can secure from your Postmaster), attach 2 cents postage and send us your old and new addresses. Allow four weeks for change of address. THE KING’S BUSINESS 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. TSuildJmudty with Favorites of alert Pastors, Superintendents CLASS CARD ENVELOPES No. 4 Two-Pocket, large fold-over flap with tension cord fast­ ener, 4 x 7 .......................................... doz. $1.50 No. 5, Two-Pocket, 3% x 6V4; center fold holds cards without fastener........... doz. $ 1.00 CLASS OFFERING ENVELOPES No. 8 com­ plete record for 1 year, 3 3A x 6 . . . .doz. 90c N os. 4 ,5 & 8 Envelopes made of durable red rope ATTENDANCE CARDS, undated — Sundays are numbered. 3 x 5 , No. 71 Scholars, white; No. 72 Teachers, green.................... 100 75c WILLIAM H. DIETZ, INC.

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Are You Looking For a Good Place For Your Tithe? Our Free Fund is very low. If you would like to gladden the heart of a mis­ sionary in a remote spot of the earth, send us $2.00 for a year’s subscription to The King’s Business.

Page Twenty-one

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