King's Business - 1952-08

bless His people and that Solomon was to build a temple for their worship. David gave to Solomon the pattern for the temple and gold and silver for the materials. In spite of David’s sins, he sincerely wanted to know God’s will for His people and to rule them according to God’s plan for them. He tried to teach them to serve God with willing and joyful hearts. He wanted them to worship in a way that was well pleasing to God. Later David wrote in one of the Psalms: “ Serve the Lord with glad­ ness: come before his presence with singing.” LINDA VISTA BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE AND SEMINARY Liberal Arts Theology Christian Education APPROVED FOR VETERANS SAN DIEGO 11 CALIFORNIA

house (v. 29). It is the duty of every king, as well as the head of every house, to pray God’s blessing upon those who live under his roof. David learned, as all of God’s children need to learn, that if this prayer is to be an­ swered, there must be a willingness to live in harmony with God’s plan. David’s Swan Song 23:1-4 There is a difference of opinion as to what is meant here by David’s “ last words.” Dr. G. Campbell Morgan thinks they mean his last words as a psalmist. Others think they refer to his last words as an inspired prophet. The for­ mer view seems to have more to com­ mend it. At any rate, in verse 2, David clearly claims divine inspiration for his psalms, that even his words came from God. In verses 3 and 4 David gives his conception of what a king ought to be. He does this by a direct statement in v. 3, and by the use of beautiful im­ agery in v. 4. King David wanted to bring the ark of God from where it had been to the city of Jerusalem. With thirty thousand of his men, David played before the Lord upon many kinds of musical in­ struments to show their joy and grate­ fulness that the ark was at last to be in the king’s city. Because one of the men sinned, the ark was left in the house of a man for three months. God greatly blessed this man while the ark was in his house. At last David moved the ark on the rest of the journey to Jerusalem. With many sacrifices and songs and dancing, the people showed God the joy with which the ark was brought to the great city. The ark was placed in the midst of a tabernacle that David had pitched for it and David offered sacrifices unto God. David blessed all of the people and gave to each one food that their joy might be complete. He knew that although he was the earthly king, his kingdom could not be a success unless the true Ruler was the Lord God. David had a choir and an orchestra formed to be used in the worship serv­ ices. At last David wanted to build a beautiful place of worship—a house for God. Because David had been a man of war, God told him that not he, but his son Solomon, who would rule after him, should build the lovely temple. God promised David to greatly bless his children and their children and to care always for the children of Israel. David worshiped and prayed that God would bless him and his house forever. One day David gathered all of the leaders and the mighty men of Israel together. He told them how God was going to Helps for the Children A King Worships God 2 Sam. 6:1-19; 1 Chron. 15:16; 17; 28; 29 Memory Verse: “ Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing” (Psa. 100:2).

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