King's Business - 1952-08

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was tending to trust in material pro­ tection rather than in the arm of the Lord. God’s instruction relative to the kings who would rule in the kingdom of Israel was that “ he shall not mul­ tiply horses to himself” (Deut. 17:16). The proper attitude for God’s children, especially for men in authority like Solomon, is reflected in the words of the psalmist, “ Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will re­ member the name of the Lord our God” (Psa. 20:7). More and more Solomon tended to give attention to the things of this world. No wonder it was not long until weakness became manifest in his life, and that weakness was soon manifested in his kingdom. God’s chil­ dren need always to guard against the temptation •of the natural man to put confidence in the flesh instead of in the Lord. Not carnal protection do we need half so much as spiritual protection. See Eph. 6:10-18. Causes of Solomon’s Failure 1 1 : 1-8 In spite of Solomon’s many good qualities and fine advantages we find that in the latter part of his life he allowed the seepage of this world to pollute his life until he was far from the man of high ideals that he was at the beginning. Note the causes of his failure as set forth in this passage: (1) An uncon­ trolled animal nature, w . 1, 2; (2) Definite disobedience, v. 3; (cf. Deut. 17:17); (3) Pride, v. 3. Doubtless many of these alliances were for the purpose of making a show. (4) Idolatry, w . 4, 5, 7, 8; (5) A spirit of compromise, v. 6. Let us ponder and take warning! During the reign of King Solomon, God’s Word tells us that the Israelites were as many as the sand by the sea in number. Solomon was exceedingly wealthy, and his wisdom was greater than anyone else upon the earth. He spoke three thousand proverbs and wrote more than one thousand songs. Solomon built himself a beautiful house which took thirteen years to finish. Even the foundation of his house was made of costly stones. Solomon’s wis­ dom and his wealth drew visitors from many lands to come to see him and to hear his wisdom. Solomon built many cities and had a large navy of ships. When the Queen of Sheba heard of Solomon’s fame, she visited him. After she had seen his kingdom and talked with Solomon, the Queen said “the half was not told me.” The Queen and Solomon exchanged costly gifts before she returned to Sheba. God had caused Solomon to exceed all of the kings of the earth in riches and wisdom. All of Helps for the Children Solomon’s Kingdom 1 Ki. 4:20-34; 7:1-8; 9:10; 11:13 Memory Verse: “Thine, O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory” (1 Chron. 29:11)

these things God had given to Solomon, but at last Solomon began to turn his heart away from loving and completely obeying God. Solomon married many wives who worshiped idols. God had told His people not to marry the heathen, for they would cause idol worship to come into the land. Soon Solomon’s wives caused him to worship idols in­ stead of the living God. The Lord be­ came angry with Solomon because of his sin. God told Solomon that He would take the kingdom away from his son because of Solomon’s sin. Only one of the twelve tribes would be left for Solomon’s son to rule. How hard it is for those who are wealthy, famous, or exceedingly wise to put God first in their lives! Often such people forget to pray, “ Thine, O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory.” They forget that God made their minds intelligent and gave to them their talents and their power to get wealth. God says, “ Them that honour me I will honour.” Only by putting Him first in our lives can we be truly wise and wealthy and popular. that although He was in His very nature God, yet He humbled Himself, and lived as a man. But He was not by nature man; by nature He was God, and He could have lived as God. Paul says He was “ in the form of God,” not of man, nor of angels, but of God, thus announcing His equality with God. Hence He was all that God is. While on earth He voluntarily lived a life that was not His by nature, for He was still God. There is no suggestion that He ever laid aside His deity. Again we refer to the Centenary Translation: “ Christ Jesus, who, though from the beginning he had the nature of God [not angels or men, note, but God], did not reckon equality with God [which was His] something to be forcibly re­ tained, but emptied himself of his glory [not His deity].” It was His glory that He laid aside. What does He mean then when He says “ The Father is greater than I?” (John 14:28). Greater in what? He does not say. Certainly not in nature. Obvi­ ously in condition. Look at the entire verse. His disciples were sorrowful be­ cause He was leaving them. He tells them that if they only knew how much better heaven is than earth, His Fa­ ther’s condition above, than His beneath, they would rejoice. So He is simply speaking about His condition at the time on earth and His Father’s in heaven, and of course His Father’s condition was greater (more to be desired) than His. But soon He returned to His Fa­ ther and then His condition was equal to His Father’s, for again, as He had prayed, He shared the glory that had been His with the Father “before the world was” (John 17:5). Jesus Is G o d (Continued from Page 8)

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