The Advent of Panca Tattva

Deuotees from around the world gothered for the first Interna- tional Mayapuro Qaura Purnima festival in 1972. Srrla Probhupad,o plonned a huge city of Vaisnaacls ar this ploce, and encouraged deaotees from around the world to settle there. In 1976 he began discussin g with the deaotees thqt he wanted a huge temple to commemordte Caitanyo Mahaprobhu and serae as s symbol of the world,wide sar,ktrtono. mouernent. This he called the Vedic Planetarium, since it would repre. sent the structure of the uniaerse according to Srrmatl. Bhagavatam. Since that time the deuotees haq)e been laboring to bring thut aision to reality.

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