The Advent of Panca Tattva

Lord Nityan anda He is the first expansion of the Lord, identical with God, but serving Hirn. Therefore He is closest to Lord Caitanya in His pastimes. In the spiritual world, He oversees the errergies of existence and knowledge in the spiritual world, presides over the jlvas there, arrd expands as the three purusa avat6ras beginning with Mahavigtiru, who presides over the material creatiorr. Beirrg the shelter of the jivas and the original guru, He energetically preached the glories of chanting the name of Krgt-tr, and gave out mercy to the most faller-r. During the pastimes of Lord Caitanya's sanklrtarra, Nityar-rarrda was always prese11t, arrd when Lord Caitanya went to reside in Puri, Nityanarlda took the responsibility of continuing the sarrktrtana movement in Bengal. W. ,pproach Sri Nityananda Prabhu in order to gain the mercy of Lord Caitanya.

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