The Advent of Panca Tattva

The models were made in accordance to the descriptions found. It was thought that each deity should have an individual pose. Thus in these deities each is holding His hands differently. Lord Caitanya with His hands wide open worships Lord Krpqa and accepts all the conditioned souls. Nityananda and Gadadhara are dancing, and at the same time encouraging the conditioned souls to take shelter of the lotus feet of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Advaita Acarya is dancing in ecstasy at Lord Caitanya, who lppeared because of Advaita's ardent calls. SrivAsa, in his humble mood as a devotee, is worshiping the Lord with his folded hands. Everyone is dancing in ecstasy in the sankirtana movement. The models were approved by various senior devotees and the members of the Sri Mayap[ra Development Committee.

A Fibrrgloss mod els made from Mayap*r


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