The Advent of Panca Tattva

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Our models were not made with ornaments or any other dress carved on other than kaupinas, but according to the Sastra, a deity should never be made naked. The sthapatis only agreed to do the work on condition that orrtt. ments and small dress be added, fearing that their dynasty which is making deities for the last 300 years would be cursed to go to hell if they did not do so. The work continued. After the wax models were worked to as much perfection as possible, the wax models were enclosed in mud cocoons reinforced by steel rods and set to dry for two months. The wax was then drained out from allocated holes. The cocoons were then baked to become as hard as brick. By this process, inside the cocoons were imprints of the deities made of wax. They were ready for casting. The first casting, that of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, coilI- menced on April 15, 2003.

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