The Advent of Panca Tattva

The deities are made of eight metals called asta dhatu: copper, brass, tin, lead, iron, gold, silver, and steel. However, Lord Caitanya is described as yellow golden color; and Nityananda is described as reddish golden color; Gadadhara has a similar complexion as Lord Caitanya; and Advaita Actrya is said to be light in color. In this way each deity needed a unique mixture of metals, according to the complexion of each personality. The metals in proper proportions were put into fifty special crucibles, which are fire gesistant up to 2000 degrees, and melted down. This process is usually done in the night, since the daytime temperature is South Indian is some. times 45 degrees. Dealing with five pits with blowers and coals is not an easy task. Each pit held ten crucibles. . Special laborers had to continuously bring po1, tions of the 3000 kilograms of molten metal and pour that into the cocoons, which were buried underground. After all the metals were poured the deities were left to cool for seven days.

J l)a.s P r obhu checling the uciuuhle jewels before getting for ca.sting


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