The Advent of Panca Tattva

Foreward This book, which the different stages of manifesting Pafrc a Tattqta until the instqllation in Mayapura, gives just ane small perspective on the will of the Pofrca Tottc)a to manifest Themselves, and the dedicstion of the dec)otees tr.rhcr ossisted" in manifesting Their will. I am profoundly moved that I had any role to play in the lila of the Pafica Tottua's appearance in the form of thi.s orcd"&n&tara, olu.,orshipable incar, nstion of the Lord,, I om grateful to the authors of this book for their dedication and their enthusiosm in performing this serl.tice of casting the Deities o{rer a thousand miles away and. bringing the deities to Srr Mayapana l)hama. Yor.rrs in the seroice of A.C. Bhaktiuedanta Sudmi Prabhupodo

Your serq&nt,

Jayapatoka Sudmi


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