Board Converting News, February 17, 2025

Supplier Reports Part 4 (CONT’D FROM PAGE 36)


Northeast with more to come in 2025 and beyond. These high-capacity systems support the largest and most au- tomated plants in our industry. The benefits include an increase in corrugator efficiency, significantly reduced product handling and waste, increased storage capacity, greatly improved energy consumption, reduction in plant footprint and building construction costs to name a few. If you are planning a new greenfield or looking to upgrade an existing facility there is no economic reason not to con- sider vertical storage. Talk to WSA to see how this technol- ogy can benefit your company. “WSA USA also continues to advance our Finished Goods Solutions with our new Pallet Inserter and Load Tiering Device. In one compact machine we can automat- ically stack two units and place on one pallet. Or palletize individual units as required. Its another example of how we automate our customers processes. Why ask a forklift driver to double stack a unit and place on a pallet if this can be done with automation. “The WSA iFAS Factory Automation System seamless- ly integrates our material handling system with the plants ERP system and other OEM equipment from corrugator takeoff through WIP and throughout the finished goods line and warehouse with advanced order tracking and automation. All supported by our US based team which provides intimate customer support. This is the most ad- vanced Industry 4.0 Smart Factory system available ever running in many plants across North America today. “When we think about the future of our finished goods warehouses, we see high bay fully automated dark ware- house storage and retrieval systems and a fully automated truck staging and loading process. We have this technolo- gy available to us today. Fully automated truck loading in 8 minutes which is already used in other industries. WSA USA offers this technology today to our partner custom- ers. Let’s start a project and design your future together. “Validation through 3D Digital Twin simulation. How do I know if this layout and investment will support my planned business mix and company goals and objectives? Can I present this to my board with true confidence in the end results? Trust the factual data and not the salesman. At WSA USA we take a different approach to a new green- field or major plant upgrade with our Digital Twin Simu- lation Team. In our simulation module we create a digital twin of the exact planned CAD layout, include all of the specifications of the converting machines, corrugator and ancillary equipment, input all the order data statistics from your ERP system, factor in shifts, scheduled and unsched- uled downtime, PM’s and much more. We include details from A-Z including number of fork lift drivers in shipping, truck loading times etc. What happens next year if I replace an older machine with a new high speed flexo or diecutter. What if I upgrade my corrugator to a higher speed. We maintain your layout in digital form to be able to have intel-

OHIO BLOW PIPE/ADVANCED AIRSYSTEMS For 85 years the Ohio Blow Pipe company and its whol- ly owned subsidiary, Advanced Airsystems, have provided the corrugated and folding carton industries with systems and products to process scrap. We engineer, fabricate, in- stall, service, provide system audits, and offer a wide range of scrap systems, dust collection systems and products to include cyclones, under roof AIR-SCREEN™ systems, pit belt systems, CLEANAIR dust collectors, Mist-Clone™ dust control systems for vacuum feeds, material handling fans, ductwork, switch valves, airveyors, balers, and shredders. OMP OMP helps companies facing complex planning challenges to excel, grow and thrive by offering the best digitized sup- ply chain planning solution on the market. Its Unison Plan- ning concept has a unique approach. It handles all supply chain planning challenges in a unified way, synchronizing all planning stages, horizons, functions and roles. Hundreds of customers run OMP’s cloud-based solution to generate more value by making informed decisions. OMP invests one out of every three dollars earned into innovation.


We custom design, install and service air conveyed scrap and dust collection systems. Our unique APS® is smaller, lighter, and more reliable than current cyclones. Contact us to learn how the APS® System can enhance your operation.


Profero Systems the leader in double facer heating and traction section conversions and performance enhancing products. Featuring products from Contact Bars and Com- pensating Rolls to New Glue Machines and Double Facers. GF PUHL GF PUHL designs, manufactures and installs air conveyed scrap & dust collection systems for the packaging and cor- rugated industries. With 42 years of experience, USA and In- ternational. We offer below or above roof systems featuring cyclones OR screen separators with real time pressure bal- ancing for optimal dust control. High efficiency cyclones for sheet transfer exhaust systems eliminate water consump- tion and deliver dust directly to compactor or briquetter for low maintenance, long term sustainability and reliability.


Quest7, Inc. is focused on being a leading manufacturer and distributor of critical parts and materials required in the cor- rugated box industry. Our commitment of “Bringing the Best to You,” reflects the level of quality and customer response in what we do every day.



February 17, 2025

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