DÜMMEN ORANGE PERENNIALS Coreopsis Limoncello and Limoncello Golden These new coreopsis have been developed specifically for the landscape trade and fill out a large amount of space with endless summer color. Both plants are perfectly matched in habit, size and vigor and flower continuously from early summer through the first frost with minimal maintenance, for high impact commercial landscapes. Zone 5. Leucanthemum Sweet Daisy Rebecca Sweet Daisy Rebecca is a stunner in the garden with an abundance of double-fringed petals that stack on one another all summer long for a continuous flowering of 14- to 16-weeks. The Sweet Daisy series has exceptional hardiness and Rebecca has been proven through Zone 4.
Salvia Midnight Series Named for their dark, midnight blue stems, the Midnight series offers gardeners and landscapers a unique habit with compact height, but vigorous width, for greater garden coverage. Also great in containers, Midnight varieties won’t get too tall in summer months and maintain a full and floriferous habit. Zone 3.
Coreopsis Limoncello
Leucanthemum Sweet Daisy Rebecca Leucanthemum Sweet Daisy Rebecca
Salvia Midnight Purple
Salvia Midnight Series
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