2020 CAST by Vaughan's

KIEFT SEED Aquilegia Earlybird

Delphinium Dasante Blue Dasante Blue shows off vibrant true-blue flowers with light purple accents and white bees. The grower- friendly, uniform plants are more compact and more responsive to PGRs and naturally earlier than other D. elatum types. An easy-care, cool-season crop can be grown with little or no heat for energy savings.

Plants ship well with more plants per rack in flower than any other Delphinium for tremendous retail impact. Dasante Blue is best for 1-gallon containers with 3 ppp. Suitable for greenhouse, field or garden- cut flower production. Echinacea Artisan Series The first F1 hybrid Echinacea collection from seed that offers better consistency of plant structure for a more uniform, highly-branched, fuller plant. Artisan features uniform flowering so all plants are ready to sell at the same time. Seed input provides flexibility for production and labor management. Red Ombre and Soft Orange are the first two releases. The Red Ombre flowers open red and soften in color with age. The Soft Orange flowers open deep-orange and soften as they mature.

Striking colors and color combinations spark new interest in Aquilegia. Earlybird promises a low cold requirement and short juvenility for warm winter climates, and controlled habit with relatively short stems on well-mounded plants. Flowering window of 10- to 12-days plus a short harvest window make it an excellent choice for early spring programs. Unique colors include red-yellow, purple-white and purple-yellow. Arabis Barranca Series The Barranca Series offers two colors in Arabis blepharophylla producing a highly uniform crop that is short-stemmed with a lot of flower power. The series includes Deep Rose and Pink (violet-pink), a unique color in this floriferous, early spring-flowering perennial.

Delphinium Dasante Blue

Aquilegia Earlybird PurpleWhite

Barranca Arabis Pink

Echinacea Artisan Soft Orange

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