GROWTH THROUGH ATHLETICS: Inspiration from VP Jeff Mack, Jr.
NOVEMBER 2 0 2 0 They CALL JP Him
LOCAL RAPPER BIG FUSSY Talks Madison & Music
THE PEOPLE Behind the Protests
608 Magazine Jenna Moore 9.11.2020 In 2017, partnering with Aaron Perry, Patterson and Perry established the Men’s Health Education Center located in the shop. Making National News, this educational center o ! ers hands-on experience for Edgewood College’s nursing students and is supported by Dane County Public Health. They CALL JP Him Jeff Pa ! erson J e ! Patterson, better known in the community as JP, was born in North Chicago in 1971.Learning the trade fromhis grandfather, JP knew he wanted to become a barber from early on in his life. “ " ere were always clippers around and plenty of friends and family members to practice on growing up,” he says. A # er graduating from college in 1994, JP moved to the 608. Four years later, he opened JP Hair Design, a full-service barbershop, in May of 1998. An in $ uential member of the 608 community for over 20 years, JP gives back in so many ways and is an exceptional example of what it means to be an instrumental member of the community. In addition to teaching classes at Madison College, Mr. Patterson has served on the state C osmetology Examining Board and has also been Chairman to the state Barbering Advisory Committee. Coaching community teams, o ! ering free haircuts, mentoring apprentices in the shop, and creating the Back to School Event, which has been serving the community with back-to-school haircuts for over ten years. JP began teaching Barber and Cosmetology Apprenticeship " eory at Madison College in 2010- 2011. In 2016, he joined the Barber and Cosmetology ProgramatMadisonCollegewhere he currently teaches Men’s Haircutting, State Laws, Sales and Marketing, and Business Management.
When asked what he loves most about the 608 community? JP responded, “ " e Diversity. In the shop alone, we have barbers of all colors that come from diverse backgrounds. While we have had some struggles in the community recently, we are still a strong, diverse community. I feel safe. When people ask me where I am from... I claim Madison to be my home, but when I am in Madison and people ask me where I am from… I claim North Chicago/ Waukegan Illinois. I am grateful for the footprint that I have been able to leave on the 608 community.”
“...we have barbers of all colors that come from diverse backgrounds” - Je ! Patterson
(Mr. Patterson teaches a student fromMadison College techniques in one of his classes.)
Adding to his role as mentor and leader in the 608 community, JP wanted to shine some light on his mentor, Taylor “Smitty’ Smith and his long-time friend, Spencer Johnson. “Taylor “Smitty” Smith was the " rst black barber in Madison, Wisconsin. Smitty paved the way for all of the barbers inMadison. I was blessed to be able to work with Smittyfrom 1996-1998. I learned the true de " nition of a humble barber. Smitty never talked about money or how many clients he had. Smitty talked about servicing the community and making the community better. Smitty passed in January of 2016 and in his honor JP Hair Design has created a Scholarship in Smitty’s name. # e scholarship will pay for an individual to attend Madison College Apprenticeship Program. # e scholarship pays for tuition, barber equipment and permit fees.” - JP, Owner of JP Hair Design JP is a true leader and supporter for bettering the community rather than competing. Working as a business consultant, JP helps other shops in the 608 community prepare for state board exams, shares his business knowledge with best management practices and other tricks of the trade. By supporting his fellow barbers and apprentices, JP has enriched the 608 community with his philanthropy. “Spencer and I played football together in 1992 at UW- Whitewater and has worked with me for 21 years at JP Hair Design. It would not be right to not give big ups to my guy for branching out on his own and opening Barber Shop Studio in August. Spencer Johnson has been an in $ uential member of the JP Hair Design family and I wish him the best in all of his future endeavors.” - JP, Owner of JP Hair Design JP Hair Design has been awarded the Greater Madison Chamber of Commerce Award in 2018 for Small Business Leadership and the Greater Madison Chamber of Commerce’s 59th Annual Award in 2011 Featured Business.
“...we have barbers of all colors that come from diverse backgrounds” - Je ! Patterson
Visit: For more accolades/awards visit:
When asked how the recent pandemic has a ! ected business, JP explained that business has not only slowed down drastically but now with the additional cleaning practices needed to keep his clients and the community safe, fewer clients can be scheduled throughout the day because more time is required to disinfect the area. A once full barbershop, now only admits one client per barber. No waiting in the shop. For safety. Clients are able to wait outside or in their vehicles until the barber has an open chair. “Yes, there are a combination of factors that have negatively a ! ected my business: 1. With more people working from home, we have less workers coming into the shop because they are not being seen by the public as much. 2. People are saving because they have less money. 3. People are avoiding the risk of contracting Covid-19 by staying and self-isolating. 4. In order to keep our clients and community safe, we have increased service times to better disinfect the working stations. # is added time lessens the number of clients that can be seen per day, which directly a ! ects business.” - JP, Owner of JP Hair Design
A top priority of JP Hair Design is keeping everyone as safe as possible! In response to the pandemic, JP Hair Design has made the following modi % cations:
– Added plexiglass between each station. – Cleaned and/or disinfected all surfaces and implements.
– Added all new capes, new towels, and linens. – Removed any non-essential items throughout our business. – Appropriate personal protective equipment to be used at all times. – Retrained our sta ! on essential infection control and hand hygiene practices.
*Only 1 client per barber at a time in the shop. Feel free to ask any of us at any time about all that we do to provide for your safety.” - JP Hair Design Barber Family
Visit Website for Price List & Meet the Barbers!
www.jphairdesig / And be sure to show your support by following JP Hair Design on Facebook!
SHOP HOURS: Sunday & Monday CLOSED Tuesday 7am-6pm Wednesday 7am-6pm " ursday 7am-6pm Friday 7am-6pm Saturday 7am-4pm
PRISON REFORM & With EXPO’s Jerome Dillard
Our lives’ paths are often created not out of youthful intention, but shaped by life experiences and laid out as we go. We use our backgrounds and our collective awareness to forge a way ahead, and hopefully leave our community a little bit better than we found it. Jerome Dillard, State Director of EX- Incarcerated People Organizing (EXPO), found his as a result of a tumultuous youth. “I was a hustler. I grew up around hustlers, and that was my norm. Having an opportunity to take the time to change P\ OLIH DQG WKLQN GL;HUHQWO\ DQG OLYH
GL;HUHQWO\ ZDV D SURFHVV IRU PH LQ P\ ÀUVWÀYH\HDUVRXWRISULVRQ$IWHUWKDW I started volunteering to educate the community around mass incarceration and the impact that it was having.” Mr. Dillard talks openly about how his experiences shaped his world view. “What would impact on me was the number of young, predominantly $IULFDQ$PHULFDQPHQFRPLQJLQWRWKDW SULVRQ$W WKH WLPH LWZDV WKHPLGV right in the height of the war on drugs and tough on crime. I witnessed busload after busload of young men coming in ZLWK\HDUVIRUGUXJVµ
“Some of them were merely lookouts... There’s been a lot of young men who I talked to and spent time with LQ WKH IHGHUDO SULVRQ LQ 0LQQHVRWD $QG MXVW KHDULQJ WKHLU VWRULHV , MXVW IHOW WKDW WKLV LV D IRUP RI JHQRFLGH 7KH\ ZHUH FKDUJHG XQGHU WKH 5,&2 $FW VRPHWKLQJ WKDW ZDV SXW WRJHWKHU IRU WKH 0DÀD %XW WKH IDFW is, it really devastated our community and took all the big brothers and the uncles and fathers and men. The children were coming into RXU SULVRQ DQG LW IHOW OLNH D JHQRFLGH WR PH , MXVW IHOW WKDW , QHHG WR PDNH D GL;HUHQFH LQ P\ FRPPXQLW\ DQG VR WKDW ZDV P\ PLVVLRQµ
'LOODUG KDV VLQFH VSHQW WKH ODVW \HDUV ZRUNLQJ directly with the incarcerated and formerly incarcerated population of Wisconsin. He served with the Madison $UHD8UEDQ0LQLVWU\DVD UHHQWU\VSHFLDOLVW IRFXVLQJ RQ KHOSLQJ HDVH WKH DGMXVWPHQW EDFN LQWR FLYLOLDQ populations. This experience led him to spend 9 \HDUV DV 3UHVLGHQW RI 9RLFHV %H\RQG %DUV D JURXS of formerly-incarcerated individuals designed for support and to provide direct services to those in need of housing, employment, treatment, and transportation after completing sentences. ´,MXVWIHOWWKDW,QHHGWRPDNHDGLͿHUHQFHLQP\ FRPPXQLW\DQGVRWKDWZDVP\PLVVLRQµ - Jerome Dillard
%RWK(;32DQG0U'LOODUG KDG WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR WDNH SDUW LQ WKH %ODFN Lives Matter protests happening in Kenosha. 6SHDNLQJDERXWWKH%/0PRYHPHQWDVDZKROH he says “I feel that it’s a crucial time in our nation with all who have been speaking out about %ODFN(TXDOLW\7KHFULPLQDOMXVWLFHV\VWHPKDV long been used to disrupt families. To ostracize individuals with criminal convictions... it lines up with what we’re doing because of the racial GLVSDULWLHVZLWKLQRXUFULPLQDO MXVWLFHV\VWHP especially here in Wisconsin, where we make up eight percent of the population but still are SHUFHQWRIWKHSULVRQSRSXODWLRQZKLFKKDV been for a very long time. Wisconsin is rated one of the highest per capita incarceration UDWHVRI$IULFDQ$PHULFDQVLQWKHFRXQWU\µ0U Dillard went on to speak about the disparities
LQ HGXFDWLRQDO RSSRUWXQLWLHV DQG HTXDOLW\ throughout the state, advocating for now to be a time of change. 0U 'LOODUG LV TXLFN WR SRLQW RXW WKDW WKH ÀJKW IRU SULVRQ DQG VHQWHQFH UHIRUP LV QRW a battle for men alone. EXPO formed FREE WR DGGUHVV WKH XQLTXH LVVXHV RI ZRPHQ ZKR have experienced incarceration. He notes “Women are the fastest growing population ULJKW QRZ LQ RXU FULPLQDO MXVWLFH V\VWHP 6R what we did was started what we call the FREE campaign, a female wing of our team of experts statewide. We have hired several women to be organizers and advocates on behalf of women in the state who have been impacted by the FULPLQDO LQMXVWLFH V\VWHP :H XVH FULPLQDO LQMXVWLFH EHFDXVH WKHUH·V QR MXVWLFH WKHUHµ
L: What brought you from Milwaukee to Madison? B: My mom and dad, they decided to move to Madison because Milwaukee was like it still is- too hectic. It’s like Milwaukee’s almost like if you wanted to compare it, it’s almost like a smaller Chicago. It’s a lot of violence, a lot of crime activity, a lot of robberies, a lot of boarded up houses, a lot of drug activity. They moved us to Madison to get us away from that, basically for like a second chance. L: What’s your rap style like? B: So I’m more like a mixture. If you describe my rap, it’s more like a street street storyteller, almost, you know what I mean. I try to get what I’m speaking to get you to understand the life that I’m living in, where I’m coming from, where I’ve been and where I plan on going.
Big Fussy is a local, young rap artist in the Madison community
“Madison is more open. You know, it’s more like a free for all in Madison. You ECPFGƂPKVGN[ accomplish more out here.” }ÕÃÃÞ
L: Let’s talk a little bit about the differences in community between Milwaukee and Madison, kind of what impacts you differently between those two areas and where you grew up versus where you ended up? B: Milwaukee is segregated. You got the different sides of towns like you would in any city, but Milwaukee is more segregated, like a lot of a lot of black people kind of stick to the black people White people, we didn’t never really see like that in Milwaukee. They don’t go where we are from so we barely see them. It’s like one of the most segregated cities there is. Madison is not really like that. Madison is more open. You know, it’s more like a free for all >`ð9ÕV>`iwÌiÞ>VV«Ã ÀiÕÌ iÀi°
L: What else should we know about you? B: I’m real humble, I’m laid back. A lot of people see some of my videos and they think I’m cocky. You could come up to me, shake my hand, you could talk to me. You know what I mean? ‘m really doing it for my family. I’m trying to show my family something different. L: Where are you at in your career currently? I’ve got over 20 videos on YouTube. Another video I’m about to shoot and a couple of recording sessions lined up. So basically, it’s like I started ÕÌÌ>}Ì°ÌÜ>ÃÀii> LLÞ>ÌwÀÃÌ]LÕÌ now I’m taking it seriously,I’m in the process of getting all of my music registered. That way it can be distributed on all the major platforms. L:Howis theBlackLivesMattermovement impacting your community in Madison? B: The Black Lives Matter stuff, it’s like we’ve been dealing with that for 400 years. I’m surprised we are still going through that kind of stuff. That’s just showing you that people aren’t tolerating it as a race no more. You know, it’s more of a demand. Now, not we’re not asking nicely for respect and equality and stuff like that that we deserve. We demand it now. .&Q[QWTHGGNKPIUTGƃGEVKP[QWTOWUKE! B: I’ll try to talk about my life, but I try to stay away from the more touchy subjects.If I had the choice, I’d rather put out some music that I know everybody is going to love.
Find & support Big Fussy’s music on YouTube!
ormer Badger football player. Vice President of Private Banking. Real Estate Investor. Husband, father of 4, son and friend. All of these titles belong to Je ! Mack, Jr, but none begin to describe his dedicated, passionate commitment to his family and community. Je ! currently holds seats on boards with United Way, UWAthletics, St. Marys, FCI, and MAYDM - a local nonpro " t organization led by Winnie Karanja with a focus on helping girls and students of color " nd opportunities through STEM and coding. F
ETICS THROUGH Inspiration from VP Je ! Mack, Jr By Liz Astemborski
Even with his extensive and impressive resume, Je ! Mack, Jr is as humble as they come. While he spoke openly about his career with Park Bank and his experiences in football, it was his insightful, loving words about his hometown and public educa- tion that stood out the mostWhen speaking about community and education, he said, “I’m a product of public school. I grew up, went to Frank Alice Elementary School, I went to middle school, then went to West High School. I believe in public school and I believe in making sure that all kids have great opportu- nities and access to those opportunities to succeed. Whether it be health care, making sure kids are feeling good and feeling healthy enough to go to class and learn and take in the informa- tion, giving them the skill set to be able to develop and grow and succeed in life.”
“I believe in public school and I believe in making sure that all kids have great opportunities and access to those opportunities to succeed.” - Jeff Mack Jr.
“Everything that you go through, every experience you deal with is something that’ll make you or break you.” - Jeff Mack Jr.
He says- “I think in adversity, there lies opportunity. # ese are situations that are unprecedented. # ese are all things that come out of the blue. And that’s what life is. Life is a mixture of the wicked. What I mean by that is, you think you’ve got a path and then something comes in and just knocks about the box, right? And so you have to " gure out how to pivot. You have to " gure out how to then alter your course ...So to me, I look at these challenges as opportunities. Now, it’s really hard when you’re in an opportunity or when you’re in that situation of having to deal with may not it may not seem like an opportunity at the time, but it truly is. Everything that you go through, every experience you deal with is something that’ll make you or break you. If you are goal-oriented and if you want to succeed in life,you have to take that challenge on and then you have to beat it. You can’t let it break you. “How do you push yourself when no one else will push you? I think it’s easy to have a coach. I think it’s easy to have teammates around you that someone else can be the leader and someone else can say, ‘hey, keep up with me. Hey, you get that extra rep in’. Now you have to do it on your own. I think that’s worth it. I think you’ll get a chance to see who you are and who you can become.”
Mack Jr. credits a lot of his hard work mentality to his athletic upbringing, particularly his time as a Raider, and to his parents. He says, ““I grew up with a dad (Je ! Mack, Sr, also former Badgers player and school football coach) who was very much “stick to a script, do the right things, do them well, move forward in life and always have a plan and a plan B”. I had a mom who was goal- oriented beyond belief. And so those are my two kinds of focuses on goal orientation. I think I’ve always tried to instill that into my kids.” He then went on to give advice to young athletes everywhere who are impacted by virtual schooling and shut downs. While directed to them, his poignant words can easily be directed to any facet of life.
Je ! Mack, Jr is VP of Private Banking at Park Bank. He lives in Madison with his wife Ti ! any, and his 4 daughters: Aviel, Kaiya, Elaina, and Samara.
No Turning Back