
“Madison is more open. You know, it’s more like a free for all in Madison. You ECPFGƂPKVGN[ accomplish more out here.” • ˆ}ÕÃÃÞ

L: Let’s talk a little bit about the differences in community between Milwaukee and Madison, kind of what impacts you differently between those two areas and where you grew up versus where you ended up? B: Milwaukee is segregated. You got the different sides of towns like you would in any city, but Milwaukee is more segregated, like a lot of a lot of black people kind of stick to the black people White people, we didn’t never really see like that in Milwaukee. They don’t go where we are from so we barely see them. It’s like one of the most segregated cities there is. Madison is not really like that. Madison is more open. You know, it’s more like a free for all ˆ˜>`ˆÃœ˜°9œÕV>˜`iw˜ˆÌiÞ>VVœ“«ˆÃ…“œÀiœÕÌ…iÀi°

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