“Some of them were merely lookouts... There’s been a lot of young men who I talked to and spent time with LQ WKH IHGHUDO SULVRQ LQ 0LQQHVRWD $QG MXVW KHDULQJ WKHLU VWRULHV , MXVW IHOW WKDW WKLV LV D IRUP RI JHQRFLGH 7KH\ ZHUH FKDUJHG XQGHU WKH 5,&2 $FW VRPHWKLQJ WKDW ZDV SXW WRJHWKHU IRU WKH 0DÀD %XW WKH IDFW is, it really devastated our community and took all the big brothers and the uncles and fathers and men. The children were coming into RXU SULVRQ DQG LW IHOW OLNH D JHQRFLGH WR PH , MXVW IHOW WKDW , QHHG WR PDNH D GL;HUHQFH LQ P\ FRPPXQLW\ DQG VR WKDW ZDV P\ PLVVLRQµ
'LOODUG KDV VLQFH VSHQW WKH ODVW \HDUV ZRUNLQJ directly with the incarcerated and formerly incarcerated population of Wisconsin. He served with the Madison $UHD8UEDQ0LQLVWU\DVD UHHQWU\VSHFLDOLVW IRFXVLQJ RQ KHOSLQJ HDVH WKH DGMXVWPHQW EDFN LQWR FLYLOLDQ populations. This experience led him to spend 9 \HDUV DV 3UHVLGHQW RI 9RLFHV %H\RQG %DUV D JURXS of formerly-incarcerated individuals designed for support and to provide direct services to those in need of housing, employment, treatment, and transportation after completing sentences. ´,MXVWIHOWWKDW,QHHGWRPDNHDGLͿHUHQFHLQP\ FRPPXQLW\DQGVRWKDWZDVP\PLVVLRQµ - Jerome Dillard
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