
%RWK(;32DQG0U'LOODUG KDG WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR WDNH SDUW LQ WKH %ODFN Lives Matter protests happening in Kenosha. 6SHDNLQJDERXWWKH%/0PRYHPHQWDVDZKROH he says “I feel that it’s a crucial time in our nation with all who have been speaking out about %ODFN(TXDOLW\7KHFULPLQDOMXVWLFHV\VWHPKDV long been used to disrupt families. To ostracize individuals with criminal convictions... it lines up with what we’re doing because of the racial GLVSDULWLHVZLWKLQRXUFULPLQDO MXVWLFHV\VWHP especially here in Wisconsin, where we make up eight percent of the population but still are SHUFHQWRIWKHSULVRQSRSXODWLRQZKLFKKDV been for a very long time. Wisconsin is rated one of the highest per capita incarceration UDWHVRI$IULFDQ$PHULFDQVLQWKHFRXQWU\µ0U Dillard went on to speak about the disparities

LQ HGXFDWLRQDO RSSRUWXQLWLHV DQG HTXDOLW\ throughout the state, advocating for now to be a time of change.     0U 'LOODUG LV TXLFN WR SRLQW RXW WKDW WKH ÀJKW IRU SULVRQ DQG VHQWHQFH UHIRUP LV QRW a battle for men alone. EXPO formed FREE WR DGGUHVV WKH XQLTXH LVVXHV RI ZRPHQ ZKR have experienced incarceration. He notes “Women are the fastest growing population ULJKW QRZ LQ RXU FULPLQDO MXVWLFH V\VWHP 6R what we did was started what we call the FREE campaign, a female wing of our team of experts statewide. We have hired several women to be organizers and advocates on behalf of women in the state who have been impacted by the FULPLQDO LQMXVWLFH V\VWHP :H XVH FULPLQDO LQMXVWLFH EHFDXVH WKHUH·V QR MXVWLFH WKHUHµ



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