GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
a perfect place to share our voices and to take the necessary time to listen” to unders- tand and deal with social justice issues like racism, through programs that help with the character development of students, and additions to the curriculum like the Truth and Reconciliation program which deals with Canada’s First Nations history. Good teaching, McAllister noted, allows students a chance to both speak out and to listen, and also become peer mentors to help younger students learn to speak out and to listen. “A focus on bringing a wide array of pers- pectives and truths as part of classroom learning prepares our students to thought- fully and respectfully respond to the offensive presence of racism in our world,” stated McAllister. “Let’s roll up our sleeves and continue forward in this important work.”
United States.” McAllister noted that the values children learn while in school become part of the core values of a society. “These values of fairness, justice, respect, and empathy for others, are the essential characteristics of the preferred and desired state that we choose to nurture and support,” McAllister stated. “I am proud to say that these elements are also the fundamental basis of citizenship education in our local schools throughout the Upper Canada District School Board. It begins with a focus on ‘belonging and contributing’ in our Kindergarten programs and continues well into the high school years when our students study and practise including various ways to voice their points of view within the many communities to which they belong.” McAllister noted that the classroom “is
The head of one of Eastern Ontario’s school boards says that a good educa- tion teaches students how to resist and fight against racism. John McAllister, chairman of the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB), reflected on the current social upheaval over racism in the United States during his opening remarks at the start of the June 3 teleconference session for the UCDSB board. He talked about how education can help prepare today’s youth to deal with racism and other social justice issues. “All of us who care about healthy commu- nities and strong, positive, and respectful relationships,” McAllister stated, “are feeling compelled to find productive ways to register our concerns about racism and injustice that has erupted over the past weeks in the
John McAllister, chairman of the Upper Canada District School Board, says that education is one of the best ways to combat racism and teach students today the values that will help make a better tomorrow for everyone. —archives
EAP NEWSROOM news@eap.on.ca
greatest public health impact of the pande- mic in Eastern Ontario was the long-term care sector, with the risk of outbreaks in seniors care facilities among the most vulnerable members of the regional population. The EOWC will do its own “comprehen- sive current-state analyis of the municipally operated long-term care sector” to help the provincial government its planned inves- tigation of the state of long-term care for seniors in Ontario. The EOWC noted that the pandemic “highlighted the urgent need for infrastruc- ture upgrades” for broadband and cellular service in the region. The Eastern Ontario Regional Network (EORN) will get priority attention from the EOWC for its Cellular Gap project to eliminate cellular phone service “dead zones” in Eastern Ontario and also continue to improve rural Internet access. Economic and municipal recovery are seen as twin goals for the EOWC now in the wake of the pandemic. The EOWC will look at ways it can help both municipalities and the business sector in their efforts to return to normal operations.
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
cannabis treats at home to make sure they are stored in a secure place away from children and also pets.
The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted the Eastern Ontario Wardens Caucus to rethink its priority issues for the region. The first virtual meeting of the Eastern Ontario Wardens Caucus (EOWC) focused on a review and revamp of priorities to pursue for Eastern Ontario. The May 29 teleconfe- rence finished with agreement that recovery plans for Eastern Ontario in the wake of the pandemic takes priority. “During these unprecedented and chal- lenging times,” stated EOWC Chairman Andy Letham, “the EOWC remains committed to ensuring that rural Eastern Ontario’s needs are met and will continue to work collaborati- vely with provincial and federal governments on recovery efforts.” The revised priorities of the EOWC include four goals: long-term care service, improved and enhanced broadband and cellular ser- vice accessibility, economic recovery, and municipal recovery. The EOWC priorities brief noted the
Anyone who keeps cannabis treats at home must make sure they are stored where children cannot find them. Marijuana has been legal in Canada for almost a year now and baking or buying cannabis dessert treats and candy is becoming a normal thing for many. This has prompted a warning from the Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU). “Make sure they (cannabis treats) are well-marked and well-labelled, and stored away from kids, and pets as well,” said Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, EOHU chief medical officer. The EOHU received a call from the OPP about a recent incident where a child was taken to hospital for treatment of an overdose on edible cannabis treats. The child has recovered but the EOHU wants residents who keep cannabis and
Cannabis treats, both homemade and those bought at specialty stores, are becoming more popular now that marijuana is legal in Canada. They should be kept in a secure storage place away from children and pets who might eat them and get an accidental overdose. —stock photo Publié le mercredi par • Published on Wednesday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398 1100, rue Aberdeen Street, C.P. / P.O. Box 1000, Hawkesbury, ON K6A 3H1 1-800-267-0850 Fax.: 613-632-6383
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The Eastern Ontario Wardens Caucus (EOWC) has revised its list of priority issues in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Public health, with a focus on the long-term care service sector, is at the top of the list. — stock photo
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