change, video streaming technology not only allows businesses to reach wider audiences, it also meets them where they are, across platforms and devices.” True, globalisation is a key player in this, as companies see their business- es stretch across seas and timezones. However, face-to-face meetings still allow for a more personal interaction. With digital communication comes channel limitations, meaning body lan- guage and context is harder to under- stand. These are important factors in networking, as well as the fact that attendees at a conference are a more “captive” audience, whereas attendees at a digital event can easily leave a con- versation with the click of a mouse. Regardless, the value of virtual events is proving high, particularly with people who have increased workloads and do not feel they can spare the time to travel to an in-person event. Virtual
conferences are more convenient for most and could therefore prove to have better results. Earlier this month LendingMetrics attended its first virtual conference as sponsors and found the new expe- rience enriching yet very different to in-person conferences. The 2020 Credit Summit, hosted by Credit Strategy, was originally due to be held in March but was postponed due to the pandemic. Credit Strategy adapted to the new cir- cumstances by hosting the conference entirely online using conferencing plat- form Brella from the 3rd to the 6th of November, as part of their Credit Festi- val which was also held digitally. The conference consisted of various virtual exhibitions, for which sponsors could include videos and documents about their services. In addition, a series of talks was scheduled for each day, addressing popular topics ranging
from affordability to credit risk. Attend- ees could watch the live stream as and when they chose, network with other attendees and stop by the virtual booths to speak to exhibitors through the online platform. Included in the live stream was a video presentation about LendingMetrics’ multi-award-winning products, recorded in advance at the Credit Strategy studio in London by Head of Sales, Claire Januszczak. About the conference, Januszczak said: “The Credit Summit was an enlighten- ing experience for myself and my team. Whilst it was a new way of working for most of us, we thoroughly enjoyed the conference and once we understood our way around the platform, were able to network with new people that we might not have had the chance to meet otherwise. That being said, I very much hope that we will return to in-person events as soon as possible.”
Above: Head of Sales Claire Januszczak visited the Credit Strategy studio before the second UK lockdown to record a video for the conference
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