Biola Broadcaster - 1969-12

today. These saints of the first cen­ tury regarded the resurrection as well as the return of Christ as suc­ cessive stages in one great act of the divine drama. Just as the resurrec­ tion cast its influence throughout the remainder of history, so the return of Christ casts its influence back over the same period of time. The age of the Church, which began on the day of Pentecost, will conclude when Jesus Christ comes in the air to receive His own unto Himelf. You see, today we live between the poles of resurrection and return. Only at Christ’s coming will we fully under­ stand what the resurrection involves. Certainly a portion of Scripture like this should be our principal concern as believers when it comes to the days in which we’re living. From verses 20 to 28 of I Corin­ thians 15 we have three important divisions: the resurrection and giv­ ing of life (20-23), the reign and rule of Christ (24-26), and the res­ toration (27, 28). This is the pat­ tern to keep in mind for this section. In Paul’s day there were those who denied the possibility of resur­ rection. We find the same in this present hour. Paul successfully points out that such a denial cannot con­ ceivably be true. In verses 13 to 19 of this hallmark chapter, the Apostle paints a deliberately gloomy picture of what life would be like if Christ had not risen from the dead. In con­ trast to that dreadful supposition, he indulges in what has been described as a joyous outburst. In effect he’s saying, “Don’t worry! The awful hypothesis is simply not true. Thank God, Christ really is risen from the dead!” As we consider the resurrection, we can look at a passage in the Old Testament, such as Leviticus 23:9- 12. Here we have a beautiful picture through the first sheaf of barley, of Christ’s b e in g o u r “Firstfruits.” This is not by mere coincidence. It is a divine provision because God

ordered it so. The typology of the Old Testament as it is revealed and fulfilled in the New is intentional. As the first ripe ears of wheat in the Old Testament were a specimen or a sample of the whole crop, so Christ, Paul is telling us, is the representative of the new humanity. He is the earnest of all who have been born again. He is the evidence or the pledge of our resurrection as believers. Only those who trust in Jesus Christ are said to fall asleep in Him. The convincing testimony is the same as in I Thessalonians 4:14. In Acts 26:23 and Colossians 1:18 Christ is called the firstborn from the dead. Revelation 1:5 refers to Him as the first begotten of the dead. Incidentally, those whom our Lord raised from the dead in the days of His earthly ministry (the nobleman’s daughter, the widow’s son, and Lazarus) were all raised only to die again. He rose to die nevermore. While they were restored to earthly life, Christ was raised to heaven. This is why uniquely He is the firstfruits. What spiritually-en­ riching truths on which our minds can profitably dwell! Dr. Lehman Strauss, well- known Bible teacher and confer­ ence speaker, has written a number of books, the latest of which is entitled “The Prophe­ cies of Daniel." A verse-by- verse commentary on this im­ portant prophetic book of the Old Testament, this volume will be helpful to both pastors and laymen. Copies are available at your book store. The cost is $4.95.


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