Biola Broadcaster - 1969-12

by Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson


P art I C onsidering puture events in the world, it’s important for the be­ liever to realize that the Word of God speaks most eloquently on the subject. In fact, it’s the only true revelation man has of things which will transpire in days ahead. For this study we are considering the 24th chapter of Matthew. Someone has referred to this time as the “unfold­ ing of the ages.” How reassuring to recognize that God has a program which will be completed from be­ ginning to end! Throughout the world today we find unprecedented anxiety, fear and perplexity. Crisis follows crisis. The human race gropes feverishly and desperately for an apparently unat­ tainable solution. Is midnight truly at hand prophetically? God Himself, the Creator and Sovereign of the universe, tells us that things must get darker before the Son of Kight- eousness, the Lord Jesus Christ, re­ turns. Yes, it is the Bible that alone, through its prophetic declarations, can offer man the only possible un­ veiling of the future, in addition to bringing the message of eternal life. Yet man fails and even refuses to turn to this one source of desperate­ ly needed information. It can only be explained by the deluding power of the devil. Even Christians are often tragically guilty of neglect, denying to themselves the precious and powerful message of the sure word of prophecy. I can remember across the years, as a pastor in Oregon, how I would tune in to hear Dr. Louis T. Talbot sounding the note of prophetic truth and warning over these Biola broad­ casts. The school’s message has al­ ways had as a part of its emphasis 16

the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. This present evil age (Gal. 1:4) is fast approaching the end of the era which began with man’s rejection and crucifixion of the Son of God. There will never be peace on the earth until He, who is the Prince of peace, comes again. There may be someone reading these lines who has similarly rejected Jesus Christ. You then have chosen the devil, as the ruler of this age, rather than the Saviour of the world. Although God is supreme and sovereign over all, the devil himself is still the god of this age. Jesus foretold that the world would get worse and worse. This is why, for example, that there must always be wars and rumors of wars. The wonder is not that these are perilous times. The wonder is that the grace, love and patience of God have not been exhausted long ago. Satan and sin may appear to have succeeded temporarily in thwarting the realization of God’s divine program. The inescapable fact still remains that Almighty God has always been in complete control. Have you ever made a spiritual de­ cision for the Lord Jesus Christ, opening your heart to say, “Blessed Saviour, in the midst of the perplex­ ity of this hour, I need you as my Saviour” ? Turn to the Word of God for your strength and guidance. You will never go into the presence of God except by coming through Jesus Christ, His Son (John 14:6). Thousands of books have been written about future events and pro­ phetic subjects. If the authors are truly Bible-believing godly men who love the Saviour, there is much that we can learn as we share their ef­ forts for the Lord. Make certain, however, that what you’re reading is

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