tune teller or astrologer. There is one Author, the Holy Spirit; and one theme, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible perfectly harmonizes with the rest of itself. This is not to exclude the invaluable help we receive from good books, commentaries, and min isters of the Gospel. The way a minister builds a ser mon is to study the Scriptures first. He will go over and over it until it becomes a part of his life. Only then will he go to other men's writings for further analysis. This makes for a well-rounded, understandable mes sage. But in the final analysis, the Word of God, the Bible itself, must be its own interpreter. We must rightly divide the Word of God. The Christian must always study to show himself approved unto God (II Tim. 2:15). The perfect Word of a perfect God must be per fect in all of its order, arrangement, and divisions. The disciples wanted to know what the signs of Christ’s return would be. It was a natural question, and one which should concern us as well. The 24th and 25th chapters of Mat thew give us the very practical and applicable answer. This section tells us almost word for word, and event by event, what is going to transpire in this world after Jesus Christ comes in the air to take His Bride, the Church, to be with Himself. I trust that you will become a lover of God’s prophetic Word. By the Holy Spirit, we have the option to study the truth of the living God knowing what He would have us behold. 35th Annual TORREY M EM O R IA L BIBLE CONFERENCE
in the time between the cross and the crown. Ex am i n e unfulfilled prophecies relating to Christ’s glori fication in the light of the perfectly fulfilled truths which relate to His own sufferings. Certainly God knows the end even from the beginning. We would do well to heed this sure word of proph ecy. God is working, purposely mov ing, so that all that has been pre dicted will be fulfilled. P art IV A S we study biblical prophecy, I I trust, if nothing else, that it is causing you to look up. The Lord Himself will bring to pass those things He wants to do in your life. What does the Bible say about those days which are yet to come? What about Christ’s kingdom rule over this world? Will there be a new heaven and a new earth? The answers to these, and many more questions, are imprinted upon the pages of the Word of God. Scripture is God’s message to man, given through man, and in the language of man. Our Lord’s reason is that we might have a complete, understandable revela tion of eternal truths. There are certain keys given to us concerning our ability to under stand such matters, the first of which is the key of salvation. It is absolute^ ly impossible for an unbelieving per son to receive the things of the Spir it of God. They can only be spirit ually understood. W i t h o u t being born again, a person is still dead in trespasses and sins. How can he en ter into the family secrets held in prophecy? They are reserved for those who genuinely love the Lord. The second key is that you will never understand biblical prophecy unless you rightly use the Word of God. The Holy Spirit is the Revealer of things yet to come. The Bible is the mode and method of that revela tion. It doesn’t come from some for
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