Biola Broadcaster - 1969-12

A. We know there are tremendous pressures people experience these days. Not knowing this individual’s health, we suggest that perhaps one of the first things she can do is to check with her doctor to see that she is in as good health as possible. Per­ haps you could arrange to rest in the early afternoon, even for 15 min­ utes, so that you will be better pre­ pared for the rest of the day. Why not set limits as far as the young friends of your children are con­ cerned ? This can be both as to length of time they stay, as well as the number of days they come over in a week. As long as the weather is good, encourage them to play games out- of-doors. If you know the mother or mothers of the other children, find out if other yards can't be used some of the time. If your children are old enough, share a frank discussion of the problem with them. Then, ask the Lord to give you strength and sus­ taining grace for each day’s needs. Don’t try to face the burden of to­ morrow. God will give you the help you need at that time. It’s going to require complete dependence upon Him! Q. Medford, Ore. — “Do you think a church should he started by a group of lay people who refuse the leading of an ordained pastor? Shouldn’t they he willing to follow the leading of an undershepherd?” A. We don’t know the background of this inquiry which is e v i d e n t l y fraught with real problems. General­ ly speaking, successful churches are established by a group of people who are desirous of studying the Word of God. When sufficient numbers have become interested, a pastor is called. He should have the spiritual oversight of the ministry, not as a dictator, but as one who is trusting the Lord as the great Shepherd of the sheep. It is sad to see how dissension so quickly enters in. The devil will do all in His power to bring defeat.

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