Q. Seattle, Wash. — “Please explain James 5:20. Aren’t aU sins we con fess covered by the blood of Christ?” A. Yes, they certainly are! The verse you mention doesn’t indicate the con trary. In verses 19 and 20 we have two things mentioned. One is setting a brother right, while the other is leading an unsaved soul to Christ. In the second case, the soul is saved and the one who was instrumental in such deliverance has in a real sense kept that person from going to eternal perdition. This is the way “a multitude of sins” are hidden. Q. Dinuba, Calif. — “When the Lord comes, where and how will the bodies of the dead in Christ join their spir its which have been with the Lord?" A. It is by the miraculous power of the Lord. No finite mind can begin to comprehend it. As to where this glorious event takes place, we know that it will be “in the air.” At the same time, any believers who are alive at the translation will likewise receive their glorified bodies, likened to our blessed Lord’s. How long will all of this take? Scripture tells us it’ll be in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. There are a lot of ques tions we neither can answer or even begin to fathom this side of heaven. But we know assuredly that it will happen, because God’s Word posi tively asserts it! God knows all about the bodies that have since returned to dust; He’s the One who made them. Thank the Lord that we can wait expectantly for that hour. Q. San Bernardino, Calif. — “How can a Christian live more abundantly, more fruitfully? Why don’t you talk about I John 5:5 more often?” A. This verse reads, “Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?” We concur with that one hundred per cent. We often comment
WHERE THEY ARE GOING While students on many campuses are trying to find their identity and a sense of purpose in life, students at BIOLA find identity in a personal re lationship with Jesus Christ. They know that God has a definite plan for their lives. They are preparing themselves to serve the Lord in the field of His direction. We invite YOU, as a donor, to share in this ministry of preparing dedicated Christian young people who want to serve the Lord. At BIOLA they re ceive a thorough Christian education that prepares them to take their place in the world as faithful witnesses for Jesus Christ. Please mail coupon for FREE bro chure, STEWARDSHIP OPPORTUNI- TIES, describing the various ways in which YOU can have a part in prepar ing young people for the Lord’s service. Yes, please send me a copy of the FREE brochure, STEWARDSHIP OPPOR TUNITIES. Mr. Mrs............................................... Miss Add ress.............. ......................... S ta te ........................ Z i p ............. Send to: BIOLA SCHOOLS and COLLEGES, IHC. 13800 Biola Ave., La Hirada, Calif. 90638 in Canada: BIOLA ASSOCIATION OF CANADA P.0. Box 3013, Vancouver, B.C., Canada City ...........................................
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