Biola Broadcaster - 1969-12

right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool.” You see, in Luke’s account the quotation is attributed to David, but Mark’s account includes the fact that David spoke by the Holy Ghost. Both statements are correct. The words which David spoke originated with God; He was their author. On the other hand, the Lord spoke them by the mouth of His servant David. The Bible is not a record of the thoughts and ex­ periences of the human writers, but it is itself the very word of God re­ vealed by God Himself to those men. Jesus said to Peter. “Flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but My Father which is in heaven” (Matt. 16:17). Perhaps questions arise in our minds about inspiration. We may not be able to answer them now. All that God requires is that by faith we ac­ cept humbly the truth He has given. The media of inspiration has not in any way robbed the Word of God of its perfection. P art III I T is important to underscore the inerrancy of the Bible. Since God has spoken through the Scriptures, it follows that He has expressed Him­ self accurately. Inspiration and in­ errancy are inseparably linked to­ gether. There is no point in claiming inspiration for the Scriptures if they are liable to mistakes. To say that there are errors in the Bible is to say that there are errors in God Himself. Liberal or modernistic theologians judge the Bible inerrant in so far as man sees inerrancy. They assume a half-way position and often relegate evangelicals as holding to “a super­ stitious bibliolatry.” But the Bible, and not man, must be its own judge. It’s blasphemous to say that the original Scriptures have in them errors of any kind. It is the only Book in all the world that is divinely 6

inspired. The reason why it’s appro­ priately called the “Holy Scriptures” is because it is sacred. All of Holy Writ is the Word of God. To say that the Word of God is in the Bible is a half-truth which could apply to a lie. The Bible is the record of what God actually said, not what fallible human beings thought He said. This is not to say that there aren’t some acknowledged difficulties to be faced. It was Dr. W. A. Criswell who rightly declared, “From the begin­ ning to ending there is not a word or a syllable in the Word of God that has contradicted or ever will contradict any true, substantiated, scientific fact.” True science and the Bible are never at odds. The atom that revolutionized man’s thinking in the 40’s has been here from the beginning of creation. Man only re- cently employed its use. Radio and television sound and picture waves have been here from the beeinning, but only in recent years have we discovered them and learned how to use them. When modem opinion seeks to undermine the foundation of historic Christianity on such bases, they are entirely erroneous, and un­ scientific. For a moment, let us consider some of the problems which may be of concern to some sincere people. In Matthew 27:9 a quotation is attrib­ uted to Jeremiah, but upon close examination it seems to have been taken from Zechariah 11:13. The question might be, “Did Zechariah appear in the original text and some copyist erred unintentionally, sub­ stituting the word Jeremiah?” We do not know. Whatever the correct solution, I refuse to accept the as­ sertion that Matthew was not in­ spired, or that he made a mistake by attributing to Jeremiah that which was actually from Zechariah. Another suggestion comes in II Kings 8:26, where it is stated that King Ahaziah was 22 years old when

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