City of Casey Heritage Handbook

Maintenance and repair work should: – Retain the cultural heritage significance of a property; – Rely on evidence, including historic photographs or drawings, original fabric and analysis of comparable buildings; and – Retain/repair significant elements and original materials (including the features or attributes listed on pages 14 to 16).

Where repair is not possible, engage contractors with expertise in heritage buildings to replace significant elements ‘like for like’, using materials and techniques that match the original. Refer to Section 5.0 for information on larger scale replacements and changes.

Refer to page 47 for a sample Maintenance Checklist.

Learn more Heritage Victoria, Documenting maintenance and repair works , 2001, available at assets/pdf_file/0023/505256/Documenting- maintenance-and-repairs.pdf Donald Ellsmore, Achieving high quality building conservation outcomes: A basic guide for local government and heritage building owners , Heritage Council of Victoria, July 2009, available at



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