City of Casey Heritage Handbook



Windows and doors make an important contribution to the style and appearance of heritage properties. They should function to provide access, security and ventilation.

Fences form the main interface between a heritage property and surrounding streets.

Maintenance principles DO

Where your property retains a fence that is in keeping with the style of your property, this fence should be maintained and repaired.

– Check for loose or damaged timber around windows and doors and for failing paint or stains that might indicate water damage. Minor decay can often be repaired, or decayed elements can be replaced like-for-like – Repair lock mechanisms and other hardware or install new items next to older ones – Check sash cords on sash windows for damage or decay

Maintenance principles DO – Retain and maintain original fences keeping painted surfaces coated, oiling gates and checking for signs of cracks or decay – Repair fences using original materials and techniques, including timber, metal wire, cast iron and masonry. Where your property has an older fence that is in keeping with the style of your property, this fence should be maintained and repaired Things to avoid DO NOT Construct a fence that is inappropriate to the heritage era of the property Learn more Particular issues arise in the repair of palisade fences (fences with a brick or stone base and metal posts). See Heritage Council of Victoria, Metalwork, 2001, available at

Things to avoid DO NOT

Replace windows or doors with new styles or materials that are not appropriate to the construction era of your property

Learn more David Young, Timber Repairs, Heritage Victoria, 2008, available at



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