City of Casey Heritage Handbook



Most residential heritage places in Casey do not have internal planning controls.

Many heritage properties in the City of Casey are residential, but some are used for commercial purposes.

However, many heritage places have distinct spatial layouts and original internal features, such as original ceilings, floors, fireplaces and internal doors and windows. Looking after these details can help to keep a sense of history and place.

Owners of commercial properties may wish to make changes, such as introducing signage, services units, all-weather outdoor dining or changes to support disability accessibility, including to achieve compliance with the Disability (Access to premises-buildings) Standards 2010 and Disability Discrimination Act 1992 . Principles DO – Retain and restore existing heritage signs where they exist – Design new signage to be simple, small and complementary to the heritage building. strategies/advertising-signs-design-guide – Locate signage in traditional locations

Tip for owners You can check if your property has internal controls by contacting the City of Casey’s Heritage Planner, or finding your property in the Schedule to the Heritage Overlay (Clause 43.01) of the Casey Planning Scheme, available at schemes/casey Principles – Base internal restoration work on evidence, such as original details, drawings or photographs – Make changes in a way that respects the original design, construction and appearance of a property – Seek specialist advice to plan restoration work or to address damage such as cracking – Replace damaged elements like-for-like using traditional methods and materials

(such as building fascia or below verandahs) or discrete locations

– Avoid harm to significant heritage features or materials when installing new services units or outdoor dining. Locate changes in more discreet locations and avoid obscuring views towards heritage features – Improve disability access, for compliance and social equity reasons, including, where appropriate, level access ramps, accessible doorways, toilets and lifts. Seek advice on ways to achieve access, as it may be possible to make changes that retain significant heritage features and fabric

Things to avoid DO NOT

– Harm significant heritage features or materials when installing new services units, signage or outdoor dining



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