Conservation means all the processes of looking after a place to retain its cultural significance.
Conservation can include:
– maintenance, including checking buildings for faults or pests, cleaning and gardening; – repairs, including replacing parts of a property that have decayed over time; and – upgrades or changes to a place that are respectful of heritage values and significant attributes.
Learn more The Australia ICOMOS Charter for Places of Cultural Significance, 2013 (Burra Charter) established a best practice approach to understanding and conserving cultural significance: Australia ICOMOS, The Burra Charter: The Australia ICOMOS Charter for Places of Cultural Significance , 2013 australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/The- Burra-Charter-2013-Adopted-31.10.2013.pdf
Panorama of Berwick (between 1930 and 1954) Source: Rose Stereograph Co, State Library of Victoria
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