The Superior Feed for Pheasants, Partridges and Ducks
Pheasant Breeder Pellets 3.0mm Finely balanced quality feed of high protein combining correct levels of vitamins and minerals. Partridge Mini Breeder Pellets 2.5mm A high-energy feed, formulated specifically, for partridges, in a minisize pellet. Super Fine Crumbs For day-old partridges and pheasants, high protein, super-fine crumb to encourage consumption. Super Starter Crumbs Ideal for day-old pheasant and partridge chicks with high protein, vitamin and mineral specification.
Chick Crumb Follow on from Super Fine and Super Starter, suitable and small enough for day-old pheasants. Chick Micro Pellets 2.0mm Micro-sized pellets, ideal to convert. pheasant and partridge chicks from crumbs to pellets. Grower Mini Pellets 2.5mm Follow on from Micro Pellets, high protein and energy for strong, healthy, well-feathered poults. Rearer Pellets 3.0mm Recommended for pheasant poults going to wood, balance of protein, vitamins and minerals.
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