Key Countryside Stewardship Codes
AB1- Nectar flower mix Establish in blocks or strips between 1st March – 15th Sep- tember. Sow a grass free mix which contains a minimum 6 flower species – of which 2 must include: Common Knapweed, Must Mallow, Oxeye Daisy, Wild Carrot or Yarrow. Should contains a mix of short term legumes and longer lived wildflower species. Sow the seed mix at 15 kg/ha. AB3 Beetle banks Sow a mixture of fine-leaved grasses such as red fescue to- gether with some tussock-forming varieties like tall fescue, timothy and cocksfoot. AB8 – Flower rich margins & Plots Establish a flower rich margin between 1st March – 15th September. Should contain a minimum of 4 grass species and 10 wildflower species. Sow at 15 - 20kg/ha - The lower seed rate is appropriate on light/medium soils and the higher seed rate appropriate on heavier soils. AB9- Winter bird food Establish between 15th February – 15th June. Should contain a mix of 6 seed bearing crops from these groups: cereals, brassicas and other plants, i.e.: barley, triticale, quinoa, linseed, millet, mustard, fodder radish and sunflower. No more than 3 cereal species, and no crop group to exceed more than 90% of the mix.
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