Gamecover + Environmental booklet

AB15 Two year sown legume fallow Establish by sowing a seed mix containing a minimum of 6 flower species as soon as possible after harvest and before 15 September and keep until 15 August in the second summer after sowing. Mixtures will vary depending on agreement start date. AB16 – Autumn sown bumble bird Establish as soon as possible after harvest & before 15th September. Should contain a mix with a minimum of six flower species and six seed-bearing crops. The mix should contain a maximum of three of the following cereal crops: Barley, Oats, Rye, Triticale, Wheat. Use a seed rate of around 50kg per ha. GS4 Legume and herb-rich swards Establish a mixed sward of grasses, legumes, herbs and wildflowers in the first 12 months of the agreement. The Mix must contain: a minimum 10% cover of red clover, an additional 10% cover of other legumes, herbs and wildflowers, at least 5 species of grass, 3 species of legume (including bird’s-foot trefoil) and 5 species of herb or wildflower.

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