Gamecover + Environmental booklet

Nectar Flower Mixes AB1 ES 10% Alsike Clover 10% Birdsfoot Trefoil 5% Black Medick 40% Vetch 10% Red Clover 10% Late Flowering Red Clover 5% Lucerne 5% Sweet Clover 1.5% Knapweed 1% Musk mallow 1% Oxeye Daisy 1% Wild Carrot 0.5% Yarrow Sow 15kg per ha, 1 ha packs

AB1 Bee Mix ES Specially formulated to attract bumblebees. Contains: • Red clover • Phacelia • Birdsfoot trefoil • Sainfoin • Alsike clover • Vetch • Oxeye • Wild carrot 12.5kg / ½ ha pack

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