DynamicPT: Pelvic Pain

NEWSLETTER Health&Wellness


Ifyouareawomansuffering fromoccasionalorchronicpelvicpain,physical therapy can help. Pelvic pain can occur for a vast number of reasons, and a certain pelvic therapy known as “pelvic floor rehabilitation” can help reduce or eliminate the pain and symptoms you are experiencing. Typicalpatientswhowouldbestrongcandidates forourpelvicfloor rehabilitation treatments include: • Postpartum women. • Postmenopausal women. • Women with pelvic organ prolapse. • Women dealing with urinary or fecal incontinence. • Women dealing with pain during intercourse. Ifyourpain is limitingyou from livingyourdaily life,contactDynamicPhysicalTherapy today to schedule an appointment with one of our qualified physical therapists! Why am I experiencing pelvic pain? The pelvic area is a complex and important partof thebody thatservesseveral functions,especially forwomen.Pelvicpaincan occuratdifferentpointsduringyourmenstrualcycle,duringpregnancy,aftergiving birth,aftersurgery,orasa resultofanunderlyingcondition,suchasendometriosis. Some pelvic conditions may also result in painful intercourse or infertility issues, whichcanbeaddressedandpossiblyfixed throughpelvicfloor rehabilitation. Some of the most common pelvic conditions that our physical therapists treat include: • Postpartum pelvic pain. After giving birth, it is common for new mothers to

experience strained muscles and/or connective tissue damage in their pelvic floor. Pelvic floor rehabilitation helps in reducing pain, in addition to strengthening any damaged muscles or tissues. • Pain following abdominal surgery. If you are recovering from a recent surgical procedure, pelvic floor rehabilitation can help in breaking up scar tissue, improving strength, and regaining range of motion in your abdomen/pelvic region. • Endometriosis. Endometriosiscanaffect thebones,muscles, ligaments,andnerves in the pelvic region. Pelvic floor rehabilitation can help reduce the pain and bloating that you may be experiencing with endometriosis, in addition to strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. • Urinary frequency or leakage. A physical therapist can help determine the root of your problem with urinary incontinence, rather than simply treating the symptoms. Pelvicfloor rehabilitationwill focusonstrengthening themusclesunderyourbladder in order to treat and eliminate incontinence issues. • Constipation. Pelvic floor rehabilitation can loosen and relax the muscles in your pelvic and anal areas, which can help relieve and eliminate constipation. While these are just a few of the most common conditions of pelvic dysfunction that can be treated with physical therapy, there are a number of additional pelvic conditions that PT treatments can relieve. For example, painful intercourse and infertility problems may also be improved with pelvic therapy. Some less common conditions that can be treated also include pelvic organ prolapse, dyspareunia, and diastasis recti. Discover how physical therapy can improve your pelvic pain by contacting us today!


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