Board Converting News, October 17, 2022

Independent II Leverages Digital Technology With Domino X630i Aqueous Inkjet Press Louisville, Kentucky based Independent II is a privately-owned and oper- ated corrugated manufacturer, providing total packaging solutions to its customers. The company designs, manufactures, warehouses, and de- livers corrugated and packaging that protect and market its customers’ products in-transit and on shelves.

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Finn MacDonald, President of Independent II, shared details about his company, the impact of digital printing, and the benefits realized with the Domino X630i digital aqueous inkjet corrugated press. Highlights of MacDonald’s talk were highlighted on a YouTube video. “We’re a third-generation company and for over 60 years we’ve had the unique challenge of taking care of our customers’ everyday problems so that they can grow their businesses,” said MacDonald. “That is in our DNA, that is what we do. Any time, any quantity, with innovation, service, and quality included. That is what has built a multi-generational trust be- tween our customers and our business.” MacDonald said that over the last 15 years, Independent II’s busi- ness philosophy has not changed, but the landscape of its business has changed dramatically. “Our customers’ products spend less time in the warehouse, and more time in retail and on doorsteps,” he said. “We had to recognize and embrace this change and invest in the resources to evolve from a brown box company, to a brand & packaging company, and now to digital. “Digital was an opportunity for us to get there faster and to take our customers there more quickly and successfully. We now have the ability to bring that dynamic digital energy to our customers with the Domino X630i, a single-pass four-color aqueous-based press designed specifi- cally to live and thrive in a manufacturing environment. The press is user friendly, it’s supportable, and it’s expandable.” Domino’s X630i corrugated press is built, serviced, and supported in the United States. The press has a small footprint 10-feet high by 38-feet long by 21-feet wide with a climate-controlled environmental enclosure. The X630i utilizes an automated lead-edge, servo-driven continuous bottom feeder offering a max sheet size of 63-inches by 118-inches with printable area of 53-inches by 118-inches. Inside the press is a vacuum Finn MacDonald of Independent II with samples of the company’s printed box- es, digitally printed on the company’s Domino X630i corrugated press.

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October 17, 2022

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