Bunifu NEWS June 2022 Issue # 6


10 Tips for Remote Working

1. Create a Workspace

2. Reduce Distractions

3. Develop a Routine

4. Utilize Tools

5. Plan Interaction

6. Get Your Family on Board

7. Start Big and Work Your Way Down

8. Don't Forget to Take a Break

9. Don't Be Afraid to Disconnect

10. Not Every Day Needs to Be Perfect

Start-UP to Scale Up: Our Five-Year Growth Plan

This year we hosted our first virtual team meeting to bring together all of our Strategic Partners to discuss how we can Start-UP to Scale Up: Our Five-Year Growth Plan. The goal of this meeting was to strategically think 1) Where are we now? Where do we want to be? How do we get there? We shared our Five Year Growth Plan with our strategic partners.


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