2. The Dean of the College will serve as Chair of the COM Council. 3. The Dean shall appoint a secretary who will make an accurate record of the COM Council's proceedings, to be distributed in advance of the regularly scheduled monthly meeting. 4. The College of Medicine Council shall take deliberative and advisory action making recommendations as appropriate to the Dean and the faculty upon the following non-inclusive list: a. The budget of the College, including a review of the budget and development of recommendations on the budget and suggestion of priorities; b. Assistance in the evaluation of programs and services offered by the College; c. Development of recommendations and priorities for the long-range future of the College; d. All proposals for the creation of new departments within the College. e. All other matters referred to the Council by the Dean, by Department Heads or Program Directors, by written petition of any fifteen voting members of the College faculty, or by majority vote of the Faculty Forum at its regular or special meetings. The Council shall report such deliberations resulting from faculty petition or vote to the faculty within 6 months. f. At least once per year, there shall be an oral and written report by each of the standing committees. 5. Charges and membership of the College of Medicine Council Standing Committees. Steering Committee: A Steering Committee shall be established to review matters of important policy and to make recommendations to the Dean and/or to the College of Medicine Council. The Steering Committee shall be composed of the Dean, the President of the Faculty Forum, six members of the College of Medicine Council (three representatives of clinical departments and three representatives of preclinical departments, appointed by the Dean for six year terms). Geographic Full Time Faculty Grievance Committee: This Committee will hear disputes alleging a violation or misinterpretation of the policies applicable to geographic full-time faculty. College Academic Reappointment. Promotion and Tenure Committee: Reviews recommendations for appointment, reappointment, promotion, and tenure of faculty from departments and presents their evaluation to the Dean. Admissions Committee: Reviews, interviews, and selects entering students for the College. The Committee is chaired by the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Admissions and co-chaired by the Assistant Dean for Admissions. Care Committee: Serves to supervise outreach and continuity for the emeriti faculty and their spouses in concert with the current activities of the College. It also includes preservation of these faculty resources and enrichment of the School's historical inheritance from its current andemeriti faculty. Committee on Committees: Two of its members each year will be recommended to the Dean by the Faculty Forum Executive Committee. The committee reviews and monitors the activities and membership of the standing committees of the College of Medicine. It advises the Dean about membership on standing committees.
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