Evidence of excellence in health care improvement science include: 1. Clinical systems excellence that is sustained and replicated and which results in improved patient outcomes. 2. Implementation of improvement outcomes that are regionally or nationally distinctive, especially those that involve multi-site collaborative/networks. 3. Publication and dissemination of quality improvement, safety or health care outcome projects, service on expert panels, consultant on QI projects outside of this academic health center. 4. Leading improvement at the microsystem level and/or innovative contributions to system-wide health care improvement. Evidence of excellence in clinical scholarship, service and/or administration include: 1. A commitment to life-long learning through participation and pursuit of postgraduate activity (e.g. national meetings, workshops, continuing medical educations). 2. Participation on editorial boards and as an ad hoc reviewer for journals relevant to the faculty candidate’s research and clinical interest. 3. Evaluations from the candidate's peers, colleagues, students, patients, division chief, and department director outlining the clinical and service and/or administration capabilities and contributions of the individual. Physicians who refer patients to the faculty member, as well as colleagues who work closely with him or her, have a particularly valuable perspective. Their input is sought both through evaluations by individuals suggested by the candidate, and/or through surveys of other clinicians selected by the department. 4. Local, regional and national recognition of clinical expertise, including speaking invitations at clinical seminars, courses, and symposia at national meeting. 5. Participation in local and national professional organizations. 6. Awards of merit received from relevant local or national organizations. 7. Participation on departmental, hospital, college, university, and/or national committees related to clinical care and service and/or administration. Service on essential, effort intensive and impactful committees, such as IACUC, IRB, Departmental RPT, graduate program faculty, mentorship committees, medical school admissions committee, grievance committees are given more weight than service on committees with lower levels demands.
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